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Sattari on the Meeting of Economy of Resistance in Alborz Province:

Provinces must be turned into a proper ecosystem for innovative businesses.

Provinces must be turned into a proper ecosystem for innovative businesses.


According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized the importance of turning provinces into ecosystem of entrepreneurship during the meeting of economy of resistance of Alborz Province along with the Fajr Decade, stating: growth centers, accelerators, innovation centers and technology parks and knowledge-based companies are similar to a greenhouse that in addition to growing creative youth, provides startup seedlings for the society.


Sattari stated that entrepreneurship and turning creative ideas into knowledge-based businesses and startups must be trained to educated youth in a dynamic and proper environment, asserting: learning the methods to establish creative and knowledge-based businesses by relying on experienced entrepreneurial culture of the country will lead to the establishment of successful businesses and paves the way for startup and knowledge-based businesses.

He regarded attention and motivation of the society toward knowledge-based economy and support of businesses in this area to be the starting point for passing from oil-based economy to knowledge- and idea-based economy.

Capacity of the Capital and Metropolises for Development of Technology-based Businesses

Sattari talked about the capacities of Tehran and metropolises of Iran in presenting services based on knowledge-based and startup businesses, affirming: the capacity of Tehran for being turned into a creative city and development of startup and knowledge-based businesses, especially in area of production of service based on information and communication technology, is estimated to be appropriate.

Creation of a Proper Environment for Startup and Knowledge-based Businesses

President of the knowledge-based economy, technology and science development headquarter regarded the increasing growth of knowledge-based companies to be the result of change in public attitude, such as universities, in helping the formation of a proper entrepreneurial ecosystem, adding: with its progressive and dynamic nature, the law for support of knowledge-based companies has created a proper environment for businesses based on knowledge and innovation. In addition, growth of more than 3400 knowledge-based companies and thousands of startups are the result of this proper environment and effectiveness of 400 thousand billion IRR of these companies on the economy of the country.

Change in the General Attitude toward Knowledge-based

The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out the provision of qualitative and easily obtained services to the society based on increasing competition among knowledge-based and startup businesses, marking: startup activists work based on the need of the society. Therefore, in addition to solving the challenges of the society, they provide services and products based on demands of people with a high quality, low cost and easy access.

Visit of Payam Special Economic Zone

During this travel, Sattari visited the airport and special economic zone of Payam, accompanied by Mohammad Ali Najafi, governor, and a number of provincial authorities.

Payam special economic zone has an area of 3600 hectares on the 10,000-acre international airport of Payam, which has provided the opportunity for presence of technology, air freight and mailing, product manufacturing, storage, cold room service, industries based on information and communication technology and a foundation for export of Iranian knowledge-based products and services.


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  • News code : 31775


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