Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;
Need of the country to a new culture building/cooperation of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs with Iranian academic center for education, culture and research in the path of economy of resistance
Need of the country to a new culture building/cooperation of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs with Iranian academic center for education, culture and research in the path of economy of resistance

The first part of interview with Dr. Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, was published. In this section, he mentioned the challenge of immigration of elites, regarding it a global problem and presenting many examples in member countries of the European Union.
During this interview, the vice president for science and technology affairs introduced the most important approach of the Vice-Presidency for realization of knowledge-based economy, stating: if we are able to build a culture in the country, so that everyone would cooperation to realize the knowledge-based economy and the actual value of human resource is understood, we will witness significant changes in a short amount of time. In this regard, startups can be helpful since in addition to creating jobs, they increase the knowledge of society members, showing them that a person without a wealthy family or a huge budget can present innovative ideas that lead to significant changes in the society.
Sattari emphasized on the importance of attention to human resource as the driven engine of knowledge-based economy and economy of resistance, stating: similar to the satisfaction our governors get when they see that gypsum and steel mines are discovered, they have to have the same feeling with faced with selected talented individuals, and should not be concerned with why they are not recruited by their own province.
Other issues covered by Sattari in this interview with ISNA include creation of knowledge-based cities, increasing the potential of the market for attracting domestic knowledge-based products and guiding knowledge-based companies toward venture capitals.
Venture Capital Investment in an Atmosphere of Distrust
President of national elites foundation talked about lack of willingness of some companies toward venture capitals due to being concerned with disclosure of their designs, which is regarded as making excuses by these companies. In this regard, Sattari affirmed: while we have no proper laws regarding intellectual and industrial properties, the bill of intellectual property has been delivered to the parliament. Nevertheless, its approval will be time consuming since it is not an urgent bill.
He raised that question that whether a strict system for intellectual and industrial property is beneficial for knowledge-based companies or not, explaining: in many countries, it is believed that having a strict system for intellectual and industrial properties is to the loss of companies, and this is evident in some knowledge-based areas, including IT. On the other hand, this concept is to the benefit of companies in the areas of biotechnology and medicine, in which a formulation must be presented.
According to Sattari, patent registration takes three-five years in America. He added: meanwhile, patent registration process in Iran is about one hour. However, there is no copyright in Iran and the idea owner cannot defend his idea in case of being stolen. On the other hand, this possibility exists in America. That is the difference in the nature of this law, which must be modified.
He continued: however, the important issue is the fact that technology is quickly changed today. A five-year course for patent registration will lead to the replacement of that technology by other technologies. As a result, it should be cleared whether or not this intellectual property system is to the benefit of researchers or not.
President of national elites foundation emphasized the importance of attention to investment in patents, reminding: venture capitals know that an idea without its owner cannot exist. Therefore, we have aimed to establish a system for buying and selling ideas with the help of stock exchange market.
According to Sattari, idea owners can put a price on their idea and, at the same time, be sure that their idea will be registered and dealt with in an accurate idea system.
Mortality Rate of Companies
In terms of mortality rate of knowledge-based companies, Sattari elaborated: it is the nature of startups that among 10 new companies, only two or three can continue their existence and most of them will fail. However, results of international studies have shown that those who fail in these companies try again in new startups until their death.
He also emphasized the importance of culture building in this regard, asserting: we have to build culture in a way that if a company fails, it will be able to continue its activity in the right path since a person who failed has many experiences.
According to Sattari, we have to start this battle if we want to establish a knowledge-based business. In this regard, he asserted: some win and some lose in this field, but those who lose must come to the realization that this does not mean a complete loss but it led to learning new subjects.
The vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized that no one loses in the knowledge-based battle, stating: without a doubt, the second experience of creating a business will be more successful, compared to the first experience, since idea owners have learned about the rules of this process.
Sattari also expressed: if the assets of a company are provided through loans, the loans must be returned in case of failure of the company. On the other hand, starting a business via venture capitals will not be associated with commitment to pay back the expenses.
He continued: therefore, venture capital is a significantly important matter since failure does not mean the return of costs.
Supply of Capitals with Fara Bourse, Loans or VC
According to Sattari, new knowledge-based companies cannot be formed by government and bank loans. In this regard, he stated: these companies might succeed in some parts and be able to work independently; nevertheless, the possibility of their failure is extremely high. The main road to knowledge-based economy is venture capitals (VC).
The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out the establishment of Iran national science foundation for financial support of knowledge-based companies, expressing: this foundation has also moved toward creating the infrastructures of venture capitals.
He mentioned: a company that matures over time can obtain loans. Companies that produce incomes and can predict their future plans can obtain facilities.
Sattari emphasized that at least 40% of credits needed by companies are supplied by VCs, affirming: unfortunately, 90% of the current credits are supplied by loans. In this regard, measures have been taken to guide startups toward finding venture capitals.
Head of board of trustees of Iran national science foundation described the area of knowledge-based companies as “leaders” in the world, conveying: idea owners carry out their ideas and determine rules according to their activities since traditional rules are governing most of countries that will not allow the activities of these companies. Therefore, continuous activities of these companies will result in imposing new rules in this regard.
Sattari mentioned the activities of some startups in the past year to be zero. Nevertheless, these companies have 200 thousand customers on a daily basis, which will reach one million until the next year. He added: these companies bring a new culture with themselves, for which rules must be determined to facilitate their activities.
He emphasized: this new cultural environment has been created not only in urban transportation system, but also in tourism, handicrafts, cloth design, humanities and production of computer games and animations.
Cooperation of the Vice-Presidency with Organizations to Develop Knowledge-based Economy
The vice president for science and technology affairs explained about the cooperation of the Vice-Presidency with ministry of science, research and technology, stating: in the early days, it was assumed that this Vice-Presidency is in conflict with the mentioned ministry. Meanwhile, there has been no serious overlap with this ministry since we have entered the area of knowledge-based economy.
Sattari continued: entering this area has led to extended cooperation, in a way that there are collaborations between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and ministries of oil, energy and economy. In addition, we are working with universities since the required human resource is trained in universities, and it is necessary to make some changes in university systems to facilitate this process.
He reminded: today, when you pass Sharif and Amirkabir universities, you can observe what kind of businesses have been initiated by the graduates of these universities.
According to Sattari, modification of the education system of the country is one of the necessities of knowledge-based economy development. In this regard, he claimed: in addition to the ministry of foreign affairs for following up the cooperation with non-resident Iranians, we have had interactions and collaborations with ministries of industry, mine and trade to develop the market.
He continued: our activities are above any organization and our focus is not on research but on technology, development of which requires expanded cooperation with other organizations.
Sattari introduced the most important strategy of the Vice-Presidency for realization of knowledge-based economy, as follows: if we are able to build culture in this regard, for which all people must cooperate, and realize the actual value of human resource, we will witness significant changes over a short period. This is mainly due to the fact that in addition to creating occupations, startups increase the knowledge of society members to know that a person without a wealthy father or huge budget can also create significant changes in the society through innovative ideas.
Sattari added: no such thing can be observed in oil-based economy since the first thing to consider is credits in this economy. However, startups initiate their activities from small storage units and significantly grow in a short period.
The vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized that activities of these startups have effects even on the process of selecting the field of the bests of the national exam. In this regard, he stated: over the past three years, the bests of the national exam select computer-related fields instead of electric engineering since they see that graduates have been able to start businesses with ideas and their companies have been prices millions of dollars.
He continued: this culture building has resulted in establishment of knowledge-based companies in the country by active youth instead of their immigration to other countries.
Sattari pointed out that in addition to its large market, Iran has a good potential for export of knowledge-based products to neighboring countries, especially Persian-speaking ones. In this regard, he added: any software presented by researchers of the country can be applied by Persian-speaking users from the neighboring countries.
The vice-chairman of the board of trustees of Iran national science foundation affirmed that this trend will definitely continue in the future, emphasizing: we have aimed to establish an innovation system in Tehran, turning the whole city into a science and technology park. Any person with an idea and the power of commercialization of this idea must have the necessary facilities.
According to the president of Iran national elites foundation, these are the only ways to keep our top talented youth in the country. Lack of implementation of these plans will be definitely associated with the immigration of our elites.
Sattari continued: in terms of immigration of top elites, we are at a lower rank compared to the means of other countries. However, it is true that the quality of our immigrating human resource is significantly high. International statistics have shown that Iran does not have a bad condition regarding the immigration of elites. Nevertheless, these statistics can be concerning.
The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out: fortunately, talking about this increasing trend of immigration of elites has led to decreased fellowship of students which is not correct, mainly because our students must be sent abroad to pass specific courses.
Sattari regarded the fear of human capital flight and presenting the idea of “destruction of Iranian gene” to be journalistic subjects, continuing: we evaluate the amount of exist of elites in national elites foundation, and currently have a complete database of top talents in the country and non-resident Iranian researchers. However, we need to implement an economy that is not based on mines and oil wells but based on human resources. In such structures, investment will increase in human resources and interpersonal differences will be regarded as valuable aspects.
The vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized: I am sure that great things will happen in the future, and I wish for media to move toward knowledge-based economy.
Moving of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs and Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research toward the Economy of Resistance
At the end of his interview with ISNA, Sattari mentioned the role of Iranian academic center for education, culture and research in development of science and technology in the country, stating: this organization has had significant effects on development of science and technology in the country. In fact, this organization has research centers and technology parks, growth centers, research centers, organizations, two news agencies and several subsidiaries and even a polling agency, which makes it possible for this organization to be completely aware of problems in the society. Given the independent nature of this academic organization and its defined duties along with scientific tasks, its ability can be used in promotion and culture building for an entrepreneurial ecosystem. In addition, this center can cooperate in cultural and educational planning of the country to provide scientific-technical services in various fields required by the society. Iranian academic center for education, culture and research can create occupation foundations for graduates, using their potentials and abilities as valuable assets.
Sattari also asserted: currently, the Iranian academic center for education, culture and research is active in fields of research, education, culture and occupation and have had great collaborations with the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.
According to Sattari, the basis of tasks of the mentioned organization is meeting the technological needs of the society and the industrial section of the country. In this regard, he affirmed: given the significant changes and improvements in science, the approach of the Iranian academic center for education, culture and research is having applicable plans. Given the attitude of this organization toward cultural events and knowledge-based economy in various science fields, we have witnessed a nationwide scientific movement by this organization, and we hope that it will improve in the future.
At the end, the vice president for science and technology affairs stated: collaborations between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and the Iranian academic center for education, culture and research have paved the way for realization of goals of economy of resistance.