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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Nov 6 2016 - 15:30
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Sattari at the Ceremony of Signing Memorandum of the Project of Producing Fresh Water Refinery Device;

Modern and Efficient Technologies of Producing Quality Water to Be Supported

Modern and Efficient Technologies of Producing Quality Water to Be Supported

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, at the ceremony of signing the memorandum of producing 100 water refinery devices by using the “the selective electrodialysis technology”, Soorena Sattari, the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned the vice presidency for science and technology affairs’ full readiness along with supporting fundamental and knowledge-boundary researches of this field for enhancing the quality of water’s health via modern and efficient technologies of knowledge-based companies.

The presidency vice president for science and technology affairs said that refining water by utilizing the selective electrodialysis technology is one of the pioneer technologies in the field of meeting the serious needs of the country to drinking water which be cheap and environment-friendly.

Sattari said that the art of new technologies are bringing health, comfort and creating value-added with the highest level of efficiency and quality.

He continued: One of the vice presidency for science and technology affairs’ goals is to support technological solutions and knowledge-based products in the field of water as the most serious need of the country and technologies that play a role in providing cheap and quality water to people are supported.

The presidency vice president for science and technology affairs said that the greatest support for continuing the path of technology development and realization of knowledge-based economy by relying on powers of technologist companies is providing the potential market of all organizations to these companies.

Sattari continued: Through integrating and coordinating knowledge-based companies, executive organizations and the vice president for science and technology affairs, this happening facilitates the process of knowledge-based economy realization and in this vein, the presidency for science and technology affairs by supporting companies’ risk, technology development and producing pilot sample of the product prepares the necessary base of the company’s growth and executive organizations can evolve this process by supporting contracts and providing their market.

Vice chairman of the fund of innovation and efflorescence evaluated the recent approval of the government toward assigning a 10 thousand billion Tomans market of governmental organizations’ purchase to knowledge-based products to be an idol and very valuable attempt in the vein of paying attention to powers of knowledge-based companies.

In the following of this ceremony, Saeed Sarkar- secretary of Nano technology development headquarter of vice presidency for science affairs said that supplying fundamental need is impossible without coordination with the executive organizations and it requires serious will of concerned people of different fields.

In this ceremony, the memorandum of producing 100 fresh water refinery devices based on the domestic technology of electrodialysis was signed with the aim of removing nitrate and Arsenic and other heavy elements form the drinking water with presence of Hamid Chitchian- minister of energy, Saeed Sarkar- secretary of Nano technology development headquarter, Hossein Ali Bahrami- secretary of the water, drought and erosion and environment technologies headquarter, Ali Morteza Birang- deputy of technology exchange and international affairs of  vice presidency for science affairs, Ali Asqar Ghane’- of utilization and development deputy of National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company of Iran.

Based on this memorandum, the Nano technology development headquarter of  vice presidency for science affairs, the National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company of Iran and support of the philanthropists society of science and technology development have become responsible to try for solve the problem of supplying fresh water for deprived areas of the country and prepare the ground for creating 100 pilot devices of refining fresh water based on the selective electrodialysis technology in identified deprived regions.


That trilateral memorandum was signed by secretary of Nano technology development headquarter and Hamid Reza Janbaz- CEO of National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company of Iran and Seyyed Hassan Sajedi- secretary of the Iranian philanthropists’ society of science and technology development.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 19171


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