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  • Sep 26 2016 - 18:57
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Sattari Informed;

Government’s Comprehensive Effort for Realizing the Knowledge-Based Economy

Government’s Comprehensive Effort for Realizing the Knowledge-Based Economy

Presidency vice president for science and technology affairs said: The cabinet has approved that: “In order to making market for Tomans to the end of the year 1396 (March 2018), ministries of health and medical education, agricultural jihad, petroleum, energy, information and communications technology, industries and business, defense and armed forces logistics, roads & urban development and science, research and technology are bound to announce their organization’s share of the program’s aim and its running method to the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs for totalization and presentation to the ministers delegation”. So the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs with cooperation and participation of all the government’s members will try as much as they can to run and realize this program as an ultrasectional and coordinator organization. According to the approval of the cabinet, the executing organizations have to provide their organization’s program and share for making market for domestically-made knowledge-based products in one month.

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Soorena Sattari- presidency vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned the anticipation of assigning 1000 billion Tomans for making market for knowledge-based companies and said: In the same vein, the executing organization have been bounded to announce their organization’s share of the goal, program and its running method to the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs for totalization and presentation to the ministers delegation in one month.

Sattari mentioned the emphasis on active participation of executing organizations for accelerating the knowledge-based economy within the recent approval of the cabinet and added: The issue of making market for domestic knowledge-based products has been considered in the first axis of this approval.

Lack of proper demand for knowledge-based companies’ products was considered to be one of the most important challenges of those companies by Sattari.

The presidency vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned the government’s comprehensive effort for realizing the knowledge-based economy.

Designing the Financial System of Knowledge-Based Economy at the Government

Vice chairman of the innovation and efflorescence fund said that paying attention to the issue of organizing the knowledge-based economy development supporting financial system was the second axis of this approval.

Sattari added: At the moment, the structure of the country’s financial system is not a good encourager and supporter for activities related to manufacturing knowledge-based products. So it was approved in the cabinet in the same vein: “The presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs is bound to provide the financial system of knowledge-based economy development to the delegation of ministers to get approved with aims like creating risk-taker investment organizations, insurance tools and covering the knowledge-based activities’ risk and domestic financial supply methods for technological activities of Iranian companies in association with ministry of economic affairs and finance, central bank and the planning and budget organization”. He emphasized that all experts of knowledge-based economy and activists of the financial system are asked to help the  presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the government in designing the financial system of knowledge-based economy.

The Presidency Vice Presidency For Science And Technology Affairs’ Participation in Executing the Technology Annex Approved by the Commandership Headquarter of Resistive Economy

The presidency vice president for science and technology affairs added at the end: Moreover, it was set in the cabinet that the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs get invited to the main meetings of the economic council as the invited member and to the council’s commission on the behalf of the vice presidency in the vein of creating an active interaction in the field of knowledge-based economy and main sections of the country’s economy and executing the technology annex bylaw in international contracts and important national projects approved by the commandership headquarter of the resistive economy.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 18015


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