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Energy Optimization Project Is Opened in Shahid Beheshti Building

Along with the government week, the pilot project of energy optimization is started in building No. 2 of ministry of labor (Shahid Beheshti Building) with the Support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs. Providing a practical model for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings in the country is the goal of this project.

The pilot project of energy optimization in building No. 2 of ministry of labor, which was constructed with the support of the Vice-Presidency, was opened in the presence of Ali Vatani, the national execution manager of the project of “optimization of energy and environment in the building sector” and advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs, Gholamreza Panah, deputy minister of resources development and management of the ministry of labor, and Isa Mansouri, deputy minister of employment and entrepreneurship of the ministry of labor and representative of the united nations development program in Iran, and other officials.

This project is considered the central building and pilot in the country's largest building energy optimization project called EEEB. So far, the process of optimizing energy consumption in 19 buildings has been implemented in the framework of this plan.

Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs

Ali Vatani expressed his condolences for the passing of Imam Hussein and described the historical role of Imam Hussein, expressing: above all, I need to thank the doctors and medical staff as guardians of public health. Considering that the energy optimization plan in the building optimizes 25% savings as its primary goal, we see that the gas savings in the Shahid Beheshti building of the Ministry of Cooperatives is more than 32%.

The national execution manager of the project of “optimization of energy and environment in the building sector” and advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs added: according to the goals of the project, buildings participating in this project can sell this energy saved in the consumption cycle as energy saving certificates on the stock exchange. More than 15 technologies have been used in this project and more than 9 technologies have been used in this building.

Participation of the Private Sector

Vatani continued: if the number of technology companies participating in the project increases, a very astronomical amount of savings will be made to extend this project to all buildings in the country. If we calculate the equivalent price of crude oil saved in this project, so far more than $ 4 million in energy optimization savings have been obtained in 19 buildings.

He also marked: we hope that similar projects be approved by the cabinet with the help of the vice president for science and technology affairs and Mohammad Shariatmadari, the minister of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, as two members of the cabinet.

Failure to implement optimization projects and excessive consumption of energy and pollution of the environment, international fines and financial obligations may be created for the country, and to prevent this stage, efforts should be made to spread energy optimization projects in the building as soon as possible.

Generalization of the Project to the Entire Country

During the ceremony, Alireza Panah, the deputy minister of resources development and management of the ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, stated: the measures taken by the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs in the area of optimization of building energy are very admirable and we hope that the effects of this project be generalized to all buildings of the country.

Financial Support of Companies Participating in the Project

Isa Mansouri, deputy minister of employment and entrepreneurship development, ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, explained unique opportunities such as job creation in the field of energy optimization, asserting: as observed, the project has had tangible effects.

Support by the United Nations Development Program

Claudio Providas, resident representative of the united nations development program in Iran, was another lecturer of the event. He talked about the efforts made by Iran to increase productivity in the energy optimization field, explaining: I express my gratitude to the managers of the project, especially Dr. Ali Vatani. In addition, I would like to express my condolences for damages caused by Corona. Given the statements of the deputy minister of development, ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare about Imam Hussein, he was a religious and social leader who guided the society toward release from cruelty.

He added: many businesses are waiting for the end of the corona to return to normal. But perhaps these normal procedures are the main problem. I appreciate the measures taken by the Vice-Presidency and the ministry of labor for correcting normal trends using technology. In this project, more than 30% of gas was saved in this building alone, and I ask the media to inform these promising numbers in order to create a culture and encourage others to participate in this project.

According to Providas, Iran is the fourth oil country in which I have lived and I am happy that the government management in this country is trying to implement this project in a pragmatic way. I must say that in the implementation of this plan, you can also count on the cooperation of the United Nations.

The pilot project of energy optimization in building No. 2 of the ministry of labor is a sample building in the large national project of EEEB. So far, 43 office buildings and 153 residential buildings have entered the building energy optimization process as part of this project. The building of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare was inaugurated as a representative of the 19 buildings in which the project was implemented.

Presence of more than 30 Private Sector Companies in the Project

In addition to the Vice-Presidency, more than 30 private and technological companies, 10 government organization and five guild and industrial associations have participated in the large project of “reform policies and market transformation to increase energy efficiency in the construction sector” known as EEEB.

The project has been carried out to increase efficient energy use of housing and administrative buildings, which will lead to energy saving and decrease of pollutants. The United Nations Development Program has also participated in this project. The project, launched with international participation in August 2012, aims to save 25 percent of energy or 25 percent of fuel in the country's construction sector as its primary goal.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 69593

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