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Today : Tuesday Mar 18 2025
  • Jun 6 2016 - 17:42
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President of the Culture-Making and Propagation Committee of the 4th National Prize of Iran Technology and Innovation Management:

54 Companies Received the Emblem of the National Technology Management Prize

54 Companies Received the Emblem of the National Technology Management Prize

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Parviz Karami- president of the culture-making and propagation committee of the 4th national prize of Iran technology and innovation management declared about holding this prize: The closing ceremony of the 4th national prize of Iran technology and innovation management was held on May 30th, 2016 in association with the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the Iran technology management society in which companies were evaluated in 4 levels of commitment, ability, merit and competitivability and 54 companies received emblem.

Mentioning the presence of and evaluating 87 different companies in this session of the national prize of Iran technology and innovation management, he added: This years as well as previous years companies were evaluated in two indexes of empowering and results based on the declaration they had provided to the secretariat themselves and  received one of 4 levels of the national innovation and technology management prize.

Stating that the national innovation and technology management prize was held with presence of 3 levels of companies that are holdings, mature production and service enterprises and small technology companies, Parviz Karami stated: After evaluation, these companies have been graded in 4 levels of commitment, skill, merit and competitiveability which each grade shows a level of maturity and elevation of technology and innovation management.

Parviz Karami also declared: Over than 80 companies were evaluated by 150 evaluators and experts and over than 150 evaluators, evaluated over than 80 companies.

President of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs stated that no company deserved receiving the competitivability statue and declared: 20 companies out of 87 in the commitment level, 54  in the ability level and 13 companies in the merit level were placed.


President of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs expressed finally: This model representing 4 levels of maturity in this arena, depict the international performance process and the movement based on formation of endogenous capabilities of technology and innovation in which 5 aerial companies managed to obtain this session’s stars by having the highest level of merit and step toward stable competitivability.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 15370


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