The Jihadi Center for the Development of the Railway Company Is Opened; Sattari, the Rail Transportation Issues Will Be Resolved by Relying on the Domestic Abilities
“The Jihadi Center for the Development of Railway Company” is opened to optimize the domestic abilities used to eliminate barriers to rail transportation development in the country. The opening ceremony of the center was attended by Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Mohammad Eslami, the minister of road and construction.
The Role of Technology and Innovation in Mining Industry Will Be Increased
Taghi Nabaei, head of mining engineering system organization, met Kambiz Mahdizadeh, the advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs. The meeting focused on the improvement of the role of knowledge in activities in mining industry.
A Cooperation Document Was Signed to Develop Financial Support of Creative Companies
According to the agreement signed between the soft and identity-making technologies development headquarter and Sepehr Technology Research Fund will lead to the development of financial support of creative companies.
Call: Fertilizer-producing Knowledge-based Companies Will Be Invited
Knowledge-based companies active in the field of fertilizer production will be invited to send their creative ideas. The call is published by the biotechnology development headquarter to support technological projects in the field of fertilizer production in the country.
Webinar/The Last Therapeutic Findings of Psychiatric Neuropathy Will Be Presented
The second Iranian Neuropsychiatry Congress will be held. This event aims to expand scientific cooperation among base and clinical fields related to areas of psychiatric and cognitive neuropathy.
Nashr Danesh Innovation Center Is Opened; Sattari: the Large Publication Market Will Be Allocated to Startups
A technological event has occurred in the publication area. “Nashr Danesh Innovation Center” is opened. During the opening ceremony, the vice president for science and technology affairs considers a large market for the publication field that can be developed with creative ideas. By injecting innovation into the industry, fundamental changes have occurred in this area.
Special Liability Insurance Packages Are Designed for Knowledge-based Companies
According to a memorandum of understanding signed between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and Iran Insurance Co., knowledge-based companies will receive a comprehensive service package in the field of liability insurances.
Infographic: Home Treatment
“Your doctor keeps you safe at home” is not a TV or billboard advertisement. It is a virtual reality that uses advanced technologies to allow patients to use care, health and treatment services without physical presence.
In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs; The Electronic Capital Market Authentication System Is Launched
The electronic capital market authentication system is opened in the capital market in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs. The system will decrease in-person visits of investors for registration and authentication in stock exchange market and will increase clarity in the capital market.
Technological Services: Laboratories Observe International Standards
We have targeted the preparation of high-quality services based on domestic and international standards. To realize this goal, laboratories are required to implement standards. Pointing out this issue, Asadifard emphasized the support of the support of laboratory standards by the network.