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In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;

The spirit of technology and innovation has been distended into the body of “City Theater”/Sattari: trusting knowledge-based activists will improve the quality of society’s life and culture.

The spirit of technology and innovation has been distended into the body of “City Theater”/Sattari: trusting knowledge-based activists will improve the quality of society’s life and culture.


Pointing out the abilities knowledge-based companies to solve the most important needs of the society and transform the area of culture and art, Sattari added: today, the innovation ecosystem of these businesses is active in solving the most important and advanced technological needs of the country. In addition, trusting the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem of the country can improve the life quality of society members and bring serious transformations into the area of art and culture.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the main hall of City Theater hosted Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and a number of authorities of ministry of culture and Islamic guidance and artists.

Mentioning the efforts made by knowledge-based company to revive this art institution and add advanced technical facilities, Sattari expressed: the ability of domestic knowledge-based companies in renovating, improving and reviving the equipment of this hall with Iranian-made equipment and adding advanced technical equipment show that the innovation ecosystem of these businesses is now capable of solving the most important and most advanced technological needs of the country.

Sattari pointed out the culture-building and promotion of all sectors and organizations of the society to support domestic technologies and Iranian-made services and products, asserting: all sectors must trust and support knowledge-based companies, startups and Iranian creative industries, the results of which will be manifested in the transformations made in the country.

The president for the national elites foundation talked about turning academic ides into knowledge-based companies with the help of prominent professors, adding: life quality, society improvement and promotion of culture and art are the outcomes of knowledge-based companies in this project. According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, machinery, maintenance, and after-sale services are the result of work of young and small groups.

Sattari considered innovation as the most important capital of the country, adding: there is no limitation to this capital.

The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out the support of innovative ideas and technologies in the field of content production, soft and cultural technologies, stating: the soft and identity-making technologies development headquarter supports content production in the cyberspace and formation of technological facilities and infrastructures.

Along with the Most Advanced Theater Halls of the World with “Iranian-made” Equipment

Doorali, the faculty member of Sharif University of Technology and executive manager of machinery project of the main hall of City Theater, expressed that this type of projects and equipment was formerly dominated by foreign companies, adding: no one would believe that our knowledge-based companies are able to do this task. Today, the most advanced technologies and equipment are made and developed in the country with the help of academic and creative youth of this company.

A Step Taken in Art Field with the Help of Domestic Knowledge-based Companies

Ladan Heydari, the deputy of resource management and development of the ministry of culture and Islamic guidance, appreciated the work of the minister of culture and talked about the abilities of knowledge-based companies, affirming: today, we have been able to make considerable transformations in one of the most valuable theater halls of the country with the use of domestic technologies.



  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 47536


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