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  • Feb 17 2020 - 13:54
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With the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;

Students will compete with each other for three minutes with their theses

Students will compete with each other for three minutes with their theses


“Panase” is the title of a competition and festival held by Iran National Science Foundation and with the support of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, where we will witness an intense competition between the theses of students.

“Panase” is a festival and competition for students, who have defended their theses.

Iman Eftekhari, the head of the Iran National Science Foundation, explained about the event: during the event, students can present the content of their thesis to the audience for three minutes. By doing so, a part of the research conducted by students can be presented to the community and a step could be taken toward the empowerment of young researchers to optimally use their research presentation opportunities and summarizing.

Eftehkari mentioned that people could learn about attractions of research activities in the event, expressing: theses are uploaded in the form of three-minute videos and go through the process of collective judgment. Eventually, the bests of the event will compete in several regional competitions and then the winners of these regional events will compete in a national competition.

The head of the Iran National Science Foundation continued: there is no time limit for students to defend their thesis. Students from all over the country can submit their thesis submissions at any time while defending their thesis.

Regarding the support of theses, Eftekhari mentioned: great awards have been considered for the winners of the competition. In addition, we intend to invite the private sector and venture capitals to lay the foundation for investment in theses.

This competition is a basis for operationalization of student theses at the level of the country. Implementation of dissertation topics and doctoral dissertations in the country, raising public awareness in society about different sciences, directing research topics in theses, operationalizing the student theses and supporting applicable theses are among the goals of the event. To register for the event, please refer to http://panase.ir/fa or http://farhang.isti.ir.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 49494


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