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Sattari: Educational Startups Experienced Significant Growth with the Outbreak of Corona

A joint meeting was held between Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Mohsen Haji Mirzaei, the minister of education, with the managers of educational startups to evaluate the existing capacities of the country in the field of virtual education.

The corona disease became an excuse for the education system of the country to develop the infrastructures of virtual education with the help of startups. This will lead to fair provision of education in the country.

In this meeting, Sattari stated: in the early days of the spread of corona disease in the country, a good thing happened for education, and that was the launch of the Happy Platform.

He continued: corona disease became a good opportunity for the education system of the country to develop virtual education.

Sattari also mentioned: corona provided an opportunity for startups to grow exponentially. Some of these startups grew at an extraordinary rate.

According to Sattari, Happy Software is a good opportunity for testing the virtual education infrastructures of the country. The software was developed in a short duration and was provided to the education system of the country.

The education system is a large market for knowledge-based companies and startups

He also asserted: the size of the country's education system is very large, which means a large, good economic market for knowledge-based activities and startups.

Pointing out the risk of developing virtual education in the country, Sattari mentioned: we need to be careful not to let the learning process get out of hand with the development of virtual education. This danger must be taken seriously.

Sattari considered high quality, entertainment and proper content as the necessities of virtual education, marking: we need to consider these three points in the development of the country's virtual education.

Emphasizing the fair provision of virtual education, he affirmed: one of the positive points of virtual education is that the same educational model is offered to all students in a remote village to the students of the best schools in the country.

He also pointed out: the Vice-Presidency is prepared to cooperate with all effective units to develop virtual education in the country. This is one of the goals of Coronaplus movement.

With the outbreak of corona, innovative strategies have been developed in the education system

During the meeting, Mohsen Haji Mirzaei, the minister of education, talked about the development of Happy Software, stating: with the outbreak of coronavirus, the education system has virtualized the country's education, which was assisted by developing Happy Software.

He also mentioned: we sought to find innovative solutions in order to prevent the cancelation of education due to corona outbreak. More than 98% of teachers and managers and more than 70% of students are members of the software.

During the meeting, managers of educational startups, including Sky Room, Film Net, Link Up, Eseminar, 360 Degree Developers, Faradars, Café Tadris, Faranesh, Hekmatkadeh, Classgram, Khishavereh, Maktabkhooneh, and Ostad Salam introduced their abilities and talked about their problems and needs.

The meeting led to concluding that a joint working group must be formed in the presence of representatives of the Vice-Presidency, the ministry of education and educational startups to develop activities that result in the development of online education in the country.

Developing the activities of startups and eliminating technological, social and economic barriers were also discussed.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 67974

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