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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Feb 12 2020 - 14:38
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With the Support of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs

Non-resident Iranian experts will be recruited by Pardis Technology Park

Non-resident Iranian experts will be recruited by Pardis Technology Park


Pardis Technology Park invites non-resident Iranian experts and entrepreneurs as the largest science and technology park in Iran.

Providing a space for various technological and knowledge-based companies, Pardis Technology Park is one of the first specialized bases in the project of “cooperation with non-resident Iranian experts and entrepreneurs” prepared in the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and has announced its preparedness to attract non-resident Iranian experts.

In the past few years, a cooperation program has been conducted with non-resident Iranian experts and entrepreneurs to move toward long-term goals of a science vision, using scientific and professional reservoirs of non-resident Iranian experts, and transferring knowledge, experience and technological ideas into the country.

In case of cooperation with the plan, the member companies of Pardis Technology Park can benefit from various advantages such as specialized human resources and financial support.

According to the financial package defined by the Vice-Presidency, a part of the income of these experts will be paid as financial support during a specific period.

Non-resident Iranian experts can receive the minimum necessary score to use the plan. The final selection of qualified applicants is based on their expertise and scientific and technological background.

In case of lack of reaching the necessary level, non-resident Iranian experts can use the facilities provided in this area with the direct demand of the head of the specialized headquarter and approval of the Vice-Presidency.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 49373


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