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Four national plans for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology were inaugurated by the President

I0n a video conference, four national plans for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology were exploited by Hassan Rouhani. Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, gave an explanation to the President at the ceremony.

Sattari said: Last year, $1.9 billion worth of pharmaceutical raw materials and medicines were imported. About $1 billion of that is for pharmaceutical raw materials.

He continued: "Meanwhile, 82 raw materials were worth $400 million and their production is economical." By producing them, leaving of $400 million will be prevented.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also added: $900 million was for the import of the final drug. Of this figure, 520 million dollars is chemical medicine and $380 million is biomedicine.



Inaugurating the production line of plasma-derived products

"Today we have the opening of the human albumin and immunoglobulin production line as plasma derivatives," Sattari said at the inauguration of the production line for plasma-derived products.


"We send 400,000 liters of plasma each year, mainly to Germany and Austria, to deliver these derivatives to us, they receive 170 euros per liter." said the head of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy Headquarter.

 The Vice President of Science and Technology, noting that we have been planning to set up a blood refinery for more than 30 years, said: "A knowledge-based company has been doing this for 3 years. More than 90% of the devices are built in Iran."

The Vice President of Science and Technology said at the opening ceremony of the production line for the first human cervical cancer vaccine in the presence of the President: The production of cervical cancer vaccine is a great event in the history of the country. For the first time, a private company produces human vaccines.

The head of the National Elites Foundation called this product the second best-selling vaccine in the world and added: "Because the disease is the second leading cause of death for women after breast cancer."

Sattari also announced the production of five more human vaccines by private companies until the end of the government and said: "The same company that produces cervical cancer vaccine will produce a part of the flu vaccine by December and we will have no problem supplying it from next year."

In this ceremony, the production line of Sertraline drug raw material in Markazi Province was inaugurated by the President.

Also, the production line of biophosphate fertilizer and hybrid seeds of beets, cucumbers and tomatoes, a joint project was inaugurated by the President between the Ministry of Jihad for Agriculture and the Vice Presidency of Science.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also stated: Today, the production line of Bioran Biophosphate Fertilizer was put into operation.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, stating that we also import $200 million a year in the field of seeds, added: "One of the problems in the development of greenhouses is hybrid seeds. More than $100 million in cucumber and tomato seeds are imported."

According to the report, in the 26th week of the inauguration of the country's important national projects, the President inaugurated four important projects with the slogan of prudence and hope for a leap in production.

In this ceremony, the production plan of plasma-derived products in Alborz province, the production plan of cervical cancer vaccine in Tehran province, the production plan of sertraline raw material in Markazi province and the production line of Biouran biophosphate in Alborz province officially started.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 70302

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