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Digital Health Businesses Are Booming

Digital Health Businesses Are Booming


A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and food and drug organization of the ministry of health and medical education with the goal of developing electronic health in the country.

This tripartite agreement was signed by Mahdi Mohammadi, the secretary of digital and automation technologies development headquarter, Mostafa Ghanei, the secretary of biotechnology development headquarter, and Mohammad Reza Shanesaz, the head of the food and drug organization.

During the ceremony, Mohammadi stated: the development of electronic health is one of the basic needs of today"s life and we must use all the actors in this field to make this technology available in the country.

Mostafa Ghanei, the secretary of biotechnology development headquarter, pointed out the necessity of attention to incurable diseases, expressing: one of the most important outcomes of the implementation of the eHealth Development Plan is to help outpatients. The presence of knowledge-based companies helps to facilitate the treatment of these patients.

What Is Included in the Memorandum of Understanding?

In this regard, the memorandum of understanding was singed to cooperate in the “establishment and development of omics and computational pharmacogenomics innovation center with prioritization of rational use of drugs and personalized medicine in the country”.

The goal of the agreement was realizing the macro policies of Iran in the field of science and technology and support of national and knowledge-based products and services in the area of smart city.

The agreement’s duration is eight years and its goal is having strategic long, middle and short-term planning to improve production and export abilities and develop the domestic market, products and services in businesses in the field of computational pharmacogenomics and omics technologies with the approach of increasing the qualitative level. 

In addition, coordination and implementation of effective and targeted support of computational pharmacogenomics businesses and omics technologies and government support of commercialization of related businesses with the approach of laying the foundation to make companies and their products competitive in the domestic and foreign markets are other goals of the agreement.

Providing legal and technical support to establish and operate a center for accelerated and innovative computational pharmacogenomics and omics technologies, providing accreditation center licenses, taking necessary steps to approve the establishment of the center in the competent authorities, assisting in transferring experience and providing information resources needed for center activities in collaboration with collections in the field of health, medicine and agriculture and providing effective interactions between instructors, funds and venture capitals and other accelerators and innovation centers in the country are other commitments of the Vice-Presidency.

On the other hand, the food and drug organization will be committed to cooperate in the provision of information resources and coordinate with active centers to introduce startups in the field of food and drugs based on the topic of the accelerator to related companies and factories, and help and support successful projects and commercialized products and services.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 48190


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