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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Oct 8 2023 - 10:32
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In the unveiling ceremony of "Technology and governance award of the late Dr. Roosta Azad".

Dehghani: Many of the technological approaches and currents of the university today originate from the efforts and will of Dr. Roosta Azad.

In the presence of the Speaker of the Islamic Council, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Minister of Science, Research and Technology, the technology and governance award of the late Dr. Roosta Azad was unveiled.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the ceremony honoring the late Roosta Azad, the former president of Sharif University of Technology and the late president of Sharif Governance Think Tank, referring to the personality Scientific, influential and hardworking late Roosta Azad said: In the years I had the honor of working with Dr. Roosta Azad, I learned a lot from him and his scientific, personal and moral character is a lasting and precious model for me. I remember that I used to accompany him on the way back to their home, and during the return, I was so engrossed in their words and tips that I forgot the distance and time. Dr. Roosta Azad had many distinct moral qualities, of which humility and modesty can be considered as the most prominent of them.

Expressing a memory of the humble and fallen spirit of the late Dr, Roosta Azad, Dehghani said: I remember in the Mashhad camp, Dr. Rezvan and I had just been recruited into the academic faculty of the university and we were with a group of Mashhad students. It was decided that we will go to the shrine of Hazrat Reza (a.s.) in the morning for morning prayer and pilgrimage. When the alarm rang and we woke up, we saw a person under the bed who was covered with curtains and sleeping on the floor. I looked carefully and saw Dr. Roosta Azad. This humility was while he was the research assistant of Sharif University of Technology at the same time. We went to the shrine and prayed; When we returned to the accommodation, I saw Dr. Roosta Azad while he was getting ready to go to the shrine. I apologized to them for the situation and apologized for not noticing their presence at first. He said with a smile and a friendly tone, "My son, I have slept in the mud here for a few days, which is much better than sleeping in the mud!" My intention of expressing this memory was to point to his humble and high-minded personality.

He said that Dr. Roost Azad had a nurturing and human-building spirit, and continued: I was a 29-year-old young man who invited me to work as the cultural vice president of the university, and his behavior created the necessary field and space for a person's growth and development. One of the other prominent features of the deceased Dr. Roosta Azad.

Emphasizing that many of the currents of knowledge based on thought and education of people who took steps to improve governance were realized during his time, adding: many approaches and technological currents that are going on in today's university are normal and as some principles are considered self-evident, they originate from the energy, effort and will of Dr. Roosta Azad, and that too in the conditions and time when it was very difficult to talk about this space.

According to the vice president of science, at that time, the presence of the discourse and the process of turning science into wealth and measures such as the creation of a technology service office to the market or the allocation of space to knowledge-based companies had serious critics, and the late Roosta Azad spoke about this discourse in such circumstances. And they tried to make it happen. In fact, in the period when vice presidency of science and knowledge-based discourse were not common in this way, he encouraged and promoted and followed these currents.

In the commemoration ceremony of the late Dr. Roosta Azad, which was held this morning, the UNESCO Award for Technology and Governance was also unveiled to him.

Reza Roosta Azad, a professor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Sharif University of Technology, who was the president of this university from August 2010 to September 2014, passed away on October 11, 2022, after suffering from a period of illness.

The late Roosta Azad, who was born in 1961, completed his high school course at Khawarzmi High School and entered Isfahan University of Technology in 1979 with the 27th rank in the national entrance exam for mathematics and physics. He was a first-ranked student in all three undergraduate (Sanati Isfahan), master's (UETU Turkey) and doctorate (Waterloo, Canada) levels.

His scientific activities include carrying out 39 research projects, publishing 43 articles in prestigious domestic and foreign journals, 68 articles in prestigious domestic and foreign conferences, and guiding and consulting more than 80 master's and doctoral theses.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94043

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