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  • Dec 28 2019 - 16:41
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With the Support of the Soft and Identity-making Technologies Development Headquarter

Creative companies will attend the game and toy promotion exhibition

Creative companies will attend the game and toy promotion exhibition


Due to the key role in the promotion of Iranian-Islamic culture among children and the future-making generation, the area of games and toys has been focused by the soft and identity-making technologies development headquarter. One of the promotional events in this field is the game and toy promotion exhibition.

In order to determine the goals and visions of holding the fifth national toys festival, a conference meeting was held in the presence of the manager, secretary and administrators of various parts of the festival.

New Educational Methods

Seyed Amir Aghaei, the manager of the toy and game promotion section and secretary of the working group of media and digital content, expressed: with the development of technology and its increasing impact on the growth of children and adolescents, the application of modern, effective and sustainable educational methods has become of paramount importance in education.

This expert in the field of soft and identity-making technologies marked: game-based learning is one of the most effective educational methods. Considering the enormous impact that play-based educational and training methods have on the education of children and adolescents, the soft and identity-making technologies development headquarter has organized the second exhibition of toys and toys in cooperation with the Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Youth.

Pointing out the special place of education using toy and game tools, he asserted: with a special focus on game-based training and creating the right platform for activists in the field, the six active centers offer their products to gamers in the booth experience. These centers are active in areas of robotics, health, aerospace, logical and mathematical, gardening, and safety.

Another activity featured in this exhibition is the "specialized tour", designed to introduce more specialized game-centered collections to the training center managers and coaches. The second game and toy promotion exhibition will be held in the center for the creation of the intellectual development center for children and adolescents during December 28th-January 3rd, 2019.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs



  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Deputy for Management Development & Resources
  • News code : 48350


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