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  • Dec 29 2019 - 16:52
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The president of the Center of Knowledge-based Companies and Institutes of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs:

4700 knowledge-based companies have been established in technology bolts of the country, playing a crucial role in the fight against one-sided sanctions.

4700 knowledge-based companies have been established in technology bolts of the country, playing a crucial role in the fight against one-sided sanctions.


4700 knowledge-based companies have been established in technology bolts of the country, playing a crucial role in the fight against one-sided sanctions. 

A Working Group with 12 Members

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs quoted by Fars News, regarding sanctions and helping knowledge-based companies in the country and how to evaluate them, Seyed Mohammad Sahebkar stated: based on a law issued by the Islamic consultative assembly in 2010, knowledge-based companies are recognized as a series of firms under the special support of the government. This is a 12-member working group, joint by various ministries.

Monitoring Criteria

The president of the center of knowledge-based companies and institutes added: policies and criteria for assessment of knowledge-based companies are determined in this working group, and corporate values criteria are communicated to the working group secretariat. Applicant companies refer to this workgroup and the Secretariat and upload the company"s capabilities to the knowledge system to reach the evaluation stage. By criteria, a number of companies that have done specific technical work in the country are approved as the preferred companies.

Approval of 4700 Knowledge-based Companies

The president of the center of knowledge-based companies and institutes pointed out legal criteria in the field of knowledge-based companies, adding: today, there are 4700 approved knowledge-based companies that are subject to this law. In this regard, measures such as drafting assessment to recognize knowledge-based companies and institutes annually, compiling and updating the list of knowledge-based goods and services, performing audit processes, and evaluating applicant companies through a network of active agents nationwide are carried out.

Stricter Evaluation Criteria Every Year

Pointing out the different areas of activity of knowledge-based companies, he continued: working in the field of high technology or high-tech companies, having a specialized technical team, and specializing in R&D are among the criteria for evaluating knowledge-based goods and services.

 The Main Goal of Improve the Quality of Knowledge-based Companies

He added: the main goal is to improve the quality of companies; people working in knowledge-based companies can improve their features and quality day by day and work in these companies more confidently.

Research and Development on Industrial or Economic Nodes of the Country

Regarding the help of knowledge-based companies to the country during the sanctions, Sahebkar expressed: each of the knowledge-based companies performs a specific part of R&D; some work on industrial or economic nodes in the country.



  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 48402


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