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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Mar 7 2020 - 12:10
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Parviz Karami:

“Iranian” high-tech products will beat corona.

“Iranian” high-tech products will beat corona.


The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs stated: measures are taken at the committee against coronavirus with a fast pace to become victorious with Iranian high-tech products.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the headquarter came to the field to fight the disease by helping startups and knowledge-based companies of the field since the first days of the outbreak.

Parviz Karami, the spokesperson of the Vice-Presidency, added: “we will beat corona” and “establishment of a committee against coronavirus at the Vice-Presidency” were initiated during the first days so that the innovation and technology ecosystem would react properly to fight the disease and increase synergy among those at the front of the fight against corona.

He continued: several meetings have been held in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs and heads of the headquarters related to the fight against coronavirus.

He also marked: one of the measures taken by the Vice-Presidency has been announcing a call to help beat the coronavirus. According to the call, knowledge-based and technological companies will be supported and can benefit from the facilities provided by the Vice-Presidency.

Manufacturing corona detection kits, manufacturing nano masks, manufacturing disinfectants, manufacturing masks, medicines effective in controlling disease, monitoring software modeling and simulation software systems and other products and services are the axes of this call. The companies active in these areas can use the special support packages of the Vice-Presidency.

Using the Ability of Domestic Companies to Produce Diagnostic Kits

The president of the information and communication center of the Vice-Presidency considered the issue of corona diagnostic kit another topic of these meetings, adding: in this regard, a call was made by the biotechnology development headquarter to use the capacity of domestic companies in producing corona diagnosis kits. Among the companies attending the call, eight had a history of producing medical diagnosis kits and were able to manufacture kits in the shortest time possible with the highest accuracy.

Therefore, five knowledge-based companies have started manufacturing this product. With Iranian-made diagnostic kits, it will be easy to diagnose the disease.

Karami also mentioned: the nanotechnology development headquarter supports producing nanotechnology-based products such as N95 and N99 masks.

This area is another field of activity of the committee against corona. In this context, two apparatuses sold to other countries are used in the country as well. By turning the production line of two old factories, the daily mask production will reach 300,000. Due to the disease, we are faced with a shortage of these products. Measures were taken to increase the production of these products until the deficiencies are resolved.

Development of Mask Manufacturing Machinery Industry

The secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter regarded the development of the machinery industry of masks as another measure taken by the headquarter, expressing: a call has been made in this area as well to benefit from the domestic ability to increase mask production in the country more than before.

Karami stated that the campaign of #we_will_beat_coronavirus is an event held by the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, adding: with this call, the headquarter has been able to be effective since the projects delivered by the headquarter will be supported after assessment and confirmation.

He also emphasized: 200 projects have been delivered to the secretariat of the event, which have been screened and evaluated and 100 of them were accepted. These projects are in various fields such as drugs, diagnostic kits, masks, disinfectants, and software systems.

The spokesperson of the Vice-Presidency mentioned: facilities will be provided to selected teams and companies in various forms:

1)     Interest-free loans and assisting the construction of a prototype and R&D

2)     Working capital loans for large companies demanding urgent investment

3)     Industrial production loans and increasing capacity for companies at the scale of becoming industrialized

Karami reminded: to solve this issue, meetings have been held with related organizations to solve the problems of startups in the current space of the country.




  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 49833


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