Call for Technological Projects to Improve Food Safety in the Country
Call for Technological Projects to Improve Food Safety in the Country
With the Support of the Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter;
More than 140 cognitive science labs have been established
More than 140 cognitive science labs have been established
The Head of the National Techmart of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
Brokers will be awarded in each technological transaction
Brokers will be awarded in each technological transaction
Knowledge-industry-market coordinating offices will be directed toward the path of production leap
Knowledge-industry-market coordinating offices will be directed toward the path of production leap
In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs in Line with the Establishment of Pardis Innovation Zone;
A contract is concluded to transfer land for the fourth phase of Pardis Technology Park
A contract is concluded to transfer land for the fourth phase of Pardis Technology Park
We Will Develop the Market of Marine Knowledge-based Products
We Will Develop the Market of Marine Knowledge-based Products
Iranian Technologists Identify Export Opportunities of Turkey
Iranian Technologists Identify Export Opportunities of Turkey
Breaking News; Shipment of 40,000 Corona Diagnosis Kits to Germany
Breaking News; Shipment of 40,000 Corona Diagnosis Kits to Germany
To Expand Technology Trade Exchange;
Technology trade brokers will receive interest-free loans and facilities.
Technology trade brokers will receive interest-free loans and facilities.
With the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
The webinar of assessment of Iraq opportunities for knowledge-based companies was held.
The webinar of assessment of Iraq opportunities for knowledge-based companies was held.