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  • Jul 8 2021 - 15:40
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Vice President of Science and Technology visits Alborz Science and Technology Park: We support the development of indigenous cattle

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, during a visit to Alborz Science and Technology Park, told reporters, emphasizing the need to preserve the breed of the country's native cows: "We must try to preserve the original species of Iranian cattle, such as Sistani cattle;" Cows perfectly adapted to the dry climate of the east of the country.

Sattari added: "The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology provides gratuitous support for the preservation and revival of these races." It is necessary to develop the domestic market of these cows in the country.

The head of the National Elite Foundation continued: We should not allow the Sistani cattle generation to grow in other countries instead of inside the country. Everyone must preserve these species.

He also stated: Alborz province is important for us and we visit it once every two weeks and visit the progress of its technological projects. One of the weaknesses of this province is the lack of proper development of its science and technology park due to its high capacities.

Sattari continued: "With the support of the governor, good things have happened in this province, and" launching an innovation factory "and" private science and technology parks "have also helped to develop the technology and innovation ecosystem of the province."

The head of the biotechnology development headquarters added: "This province is the biotechnology hub of the country and the best biotech companies in the field of medicine, livestock and poultry, etc. are located in this region." Work and capacity are high in this province.

The Vice President of Science and Technology added: "The knowledge-based ecosystem of the province is developing and today we saw new plans and projects." Of course, more efforts should be made.

Sattari also said: "A strange collective movement has taken place for the development of knowledge-based companies in the country. At present, we have more than 7,000 knowledge-based and creative companies in the country, and the sales of these companies are a large number." Many of them have reached puberty and have become reliable collections.

 Sattari added: "For example, one of our priorities is to develop the production of agricultural inputs, fertilizers and biotoxins, which currently provide a significant volume of these products by the import market." The development of biofertilizer production brings two benefits of maintaining public health and increasing production efficiency in the country.

The Vice President for Science and Technology also referred to the activities of a significant number of knowledge-based companies active in this field, saying: "With the development of these companies, their maturity and growth will see the development of the country."


Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
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