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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Aug 13 2023 - 09:44
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The special assistant by the head of the National Elites Foundation was appointed in the affairs of talents and future builders

By the order of Ruhollah Dehghani, the head of the National Elites Foundation, Rasul Mohammadgholi was appointed to the position of "special assistant to the head of the foundation in matters of talent and future makers".

According to the Office of Communication and Information in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani's ruling addressed to Rasul Mohammadgholi states: I appoint as "special assistant to the president of the foundation in the affairs of talents and future builders". Considering the high goals listed in the country's strategic document on elite affairs and the need for planning and transformation in the National Elites Foundation, the following main missions are expected from the foundation:

"Increasing the awareness of top talents about the achievements of the country in the field of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and familiarizing them with the capacities and points of influence on the progress of the country

Targeted support for the young elites in order to solve the country's problems and develop the participation of the elites in improving the governance level of the country

Responsible pursuit of removing obstacles to the role of elites in all executive levels of the country

Improving the government's human capital by pursuing the development of recruiting elites in executive bodies and also recruiting academic staff members from among the top graduates of domestic and foreign universities.

Reforming the scope of support based on the transcendental definition of the elite and using the capacity of top talents in pursuing the demands of the second step statement of the revolution

Developing international interactions in the field of elites with the aim of promoting Iran's technological capabilities in the world, networking among Iranian experts in all parts of the world and transferring knowledge, experience and skills to Iranian elites.

Pay special attention to the promotion and strengthening of provincial elite foundations in order to solve challenges and actualize regional capacities.

Serious planning for upgrading the foundation's expert capacities and honoring them and improving the status of colleagues

I ask God Almighty to continue your success in following the wise instructions of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the policies of the people's government.

Rasul Mohammadgholi is the silver and bronze medalist of the country's Student Mathematics Olympiad and has a master's degree in executive management-strategy from the University of Science and Technology. The strategic supervision of the Alavi Foundation and the deputy of the development of Alavi Foundation regions are among his executive records.


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