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The Vice Presidency of Science and the Ministry of Petroleum signed an agreement; Creating a $2 billion market for knowledge-based companies

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: With the cooperation of the Vice Presidency of Science and the oil ministry, a good opportunity will be provided for the entry of knowledge-based companies into the oil industry.

Ruhollah Dehghani said at the signing ceremony of the joint cooperation agreement between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Ministry of Oil in the field of localization of equipment and bottleneck technologies in the oil industry, which was held this afternoon at the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy: Since the establishment of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, it is the first time that we are hosting the honorable minister of oil.

He pointed out that the presence of the Honorable Minister of Oil and his colleagues in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy has a very important meaning and significance for the start of macro-cooperation and the drivers of knowledge-based economy, adding: the Ministry of Oil is to use domestic capacities, especially in the field of first-time production. Among all the institutions, it has taken the first place, and the diligent presence of the Honorable Minister of Oil in all fields that are synonymous with the development of innovation and technology gives the message that the guardian of the largest industry and economic opportunity of the country is determined to enter the field of innovation.

Creating a market with 2 billion dollars for the country

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated: This action of the Ministry of Oil is very important and promises a bright future. Another issue that is important is the signing of the first large-scale cooperation agreement between the country's knowledge-based and innovative ecosystem and the oil industry, according to access to the technology of fifteen highly used and bottleneck equipment items in the oil industry, which is worth nearly 2 billion for the country.

The head of the National Elites Foundation said: This agreement will create a very large market incomparable to the markets that have existed for knowledge-based companies in the field of oil industry. The Ministry of Petroleum, as the guardian of the oil equipment consumption market, is working with all its might, and now it is the turn of two other departments to start their movement in the direction of developing the knowledge-based economy together with this ministry.

Dehghani said about the sectors that should work in sync with the Ministry of Oil: The first sector is the network of knowledge-based companies and the second sector is the network of the country's financing system. If these departments perform their duties well, the technologies needed in the oil industry can be localized quickly. The market created by the cooperation of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Ministry of Oil can be attractive to the extent that it will bring all the capable and contending companies into the field and be the foundation for big events.

He pointed out: In the past years, the country has reached a desirable level in terms of the number of knowledge-based companies, and although the number is an important issue, the issue that should be paid attention to is quality improvement and expansion. If we want to develop the knowledge-based economy in the country, mega-companies should be created that are made up of a number of smaller companies, several financing groups and several operators. Today, from the developed countries of the world, maximum 10 to 20 large companies are recognized as technology symbols in the world. God willing, in the next few years, dear Iran will have a significant number of super companies with technology symbols so that people can feel the impact of the knowledge-based flow in the country, which is always emphasized by the Supreme Leader.

The beginning of the localization in the oil industry's practical equipment

Following this ceremony, Oil Minister Javad Oji said: The signing of the agreement between the Ministry of Oil and the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy is a beginning for the localization of strategic and key equipment of the oil industry.

He added: Oil and gas reserves are one of the biggest and most important assets of the country, and even though more than 100 years have passed since the life of the oil industry, traditional equipment and methods are still used. The Ministry of Oil plans to use the equipment produced in Iranian knowledge-based companies to abandon traditional methods. In this regard, we banned the purchase and use of 200 items needed in the oil industry, the same ones of which are produced in the country, for all companies under the Ministry of Oil. Using the capacity of knowledge-based companies both reduces the current costs of the oil industry and improves the productivity of this industry.

The Minister of Oil stated: The needs of the oil industry are announced through relevant channels and we are ready to cooperate with knowledge-based companies in all fields. Recently, we started a project to increase the efficiency of low-efficiency companies, and God willing, we will see its results soon. Institutions and ministries should commit to multi-year cooperation to purchase goods from knowledge-based companies so that activists working in these companies do not have to worry about providing financial resources and supplying their products. In the agreement between the Ministry of Oil and the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, we have committed to get our necessary equipment from knowledge-based institutions for the next few years.

A joint cooperation agreement has been signed between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy with the Ministry of Oil in the field of localization of equipment and bottleneck technologies in the oil industry, and the first and fourth articles of this agreement are of great importance. In the first article, the axes of cooperation such as localization and construction of bottleneck equipment needed by the oil industry, reduction of exchange rate and dependency of oil industries with the aim of developing a knowledge-based economy in line with the production of items needed in this industry, promoting national resilience and international competitiveness in the equipment needed by the oil industry. In the fourth article, the amounts of the agreement are mentioned; The process of helping to finance executive operations at different stages of the project, according to the nature of the technologies used and reliable financial resources, will be determined and provided by the vice presidency of science and the oil ministry before concluding each contract.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90096

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