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Dehghani announced during a visit to the Setup creative and innovation house

Support of five thousand billion Rials from the Vice Presidency of Science for the development of creative industries

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy announced the support of five thousand billion Rials for the development of creative industries and soft and cultural technologies on the basis of the Creative Industries Fund during the visit and unveiling of the products of the Setup creative and innovation house.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, this morning, Setup Creative and Innovation House hosted Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, to discuss two creative products of companies based in the service sector. Education and training to unveil and learn about the achievements of six established creative companies.

During this visit, the "Zi-Bazi" product, which was designed and commercialized was unveiled by the Bazi Salamat innovative company. The comprehensive system of game-based classroom practice for all students is based on cognitive approaches and while helping physical activity, improving cognitive skills and continuous performance, it can also hold periodical tests. Dunap's product was another product that is supposed to widely provide all the needs of the field of education in the form of Rayman platform and single window for providing educational and training services.

Dehghani, in the unveiling of two creative products of the companies based in Creative House and Innovation Setup, referring to the motivation and valuable efforts of creative and innovation activists, said: Although such collections are not very big, it is encouraging to see their rich efforts and motivations. The government or public institution has found the intelligence to realize what it means to be a child of the time, and it is promising that it permeates the flow of innovation in its heart.

He stated that the Setup creative and innovation house aims to reach 500 supported teams in the next five years, which is a good prospect, and added: Creative and innovation houses are supported based on their growth and performance, and the outputs of this houses are appraised. The development of soft technologies and creative industries headquarters in the vice presidency of science provides the basis for the growth of creative companies and the acceleration of businesses in this field with the help of creative and innovation houses. Reaching the number of five hundred creative groups in five years by this creative and innovation house may take place exponentially. In the first step, support of 20 billion Rials will be allocated for the addition of 10 teams, and half of this amount will be allocated to this group as research support.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered creative companies and creative and innovation houses to be a successful model of popularizing the knowledge-based economy and generating capital and infrastructure, and continued: Institutions that want to support have successful and valuable models in their hands. Benefiting from infrastructure and facilities for innovative businesses, including creative or knowledge-based businesses, is the same as generating assets and facilities.

Dehghani said that creativity is more important than technology, and is the basis for the formation of creative companies, and continued: What we need today is innovation, and all efforts are made in the direction of innovation. Innovation has two wings, creativity and technology. If the formation of innovation is dependent on technology, a knowledge-based company, product or service is formed, and the achievements of this innovation are mainly limited to a certain society, including the elite. But on the other hand, we have innovations that rely on creativity; These types of innovations are more general and popular and involve a wider segment of society, therefore, the field of creative industries helps the development of social innovations and conveys to the people that innovation is not only related to universities and research institutes and elites, therefore, creative industries are ground-breaking. Making people play a role in the field of innovation and knowledge-based economy.

The development of educational and educational innovations in the Setup creative and innovation house

It should be noted that creative and innovation houses provide the basis for accelerated formation and commercialization of innovative ideas in the field of soft and cultural industries, including stationery, games and entertainment, social innovations and other fields.

Currently, with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, more than 1800 creative companies have been registered, which are organized under 100 creative houses in the country and help to develop creative industries along with advanced technologies that are commercialized by knowledge-based companies.

Setup is a dedicated creative house active in the field of education and training and helps to meet the creative needs of the country's education and learning system.

During SETUP events, around 150 teams have been supported and guided, and currently six teams are located in SETUP's creative and innovation house.

These companies offer their products and services in the field of gamification, entertainment, financial literacy for children and smart education.

In this creative and innovative house, a video recording studio is also planned so that established and active creative companies in the field of education and training can produce content.

Support in the field of investment, including investment and team leadership, is supported by creative and innovation houses, as well as shared workspace allocation, mentoring and consulting are other services provided to these businesses.

The target teams of this creative and innovation house are teachers, lecturers and elites who present their ideas in the field of education.

Every year, an event is held under the name of creative Setup event, where the issues and priorities of the education body are announced to the volunteer teams.

In the form of this call, the teams will present their ideas and the selected teams will benefit from the acceleration and mentoring support after going through the evaluation and judging process.

More than 1000 hours of content production have been done in Setup content production studio and two national content projects have been produced in this studio.

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