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Signing of memorandums of cooperation between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and four universities and a science and technology park

The simultaneous signing ceremony of five memorandums of understanding was held between the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and Shahid Beheshti, Allameh Tabatabai, Isfahan, and Iran Science and Technology universities and Sharif University of Technology Science and Technology Park.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, the signing ceremony of these memorandums was held on Monday afternoon, at the place of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, at the signing ceremony of these MoUs, emphasizing that these MoUs are the origin of a great movement in the support of the Vice Presidency of Science for the country's universities and that similar MoUs will be signed with other universities and science and technology centers of the country, he stated: The activities of universities have different dimensions, which include the three areas of "professors and students", "education and research" and the university environment itself as the center of "theorizing and developing technology". The concerns of institutions such as the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health are mainly focused on the first two areas, and basically the reason for the establishment of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is that helps to increase the effectiveness of universities in all three areas.

He pointed out: due to the existence of ministries that are concerned about university trade union issues, our main mission in the university is not directed to academics and educational and research discussions of the university, but more of the kind of rail setting, streamlining and modeling.

In explaining the role of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Dehghani pointed to the interpretation of the Supreme Leader that the vice presidency of science, as the headquarters in the field of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, should direct the small and large vectors of this field.

Referring to the beginning of the implementation of the new evaluation system for knowledge-based companies and institutions, he said: According to this system, 80% of existing knowledge-based companies are in the group of start-up companies that are supported by greenhouses such as tax exemptions, etc. But the support that comes from the other two groups of knowledge-based companies, i.e., technological and innovative companies, is moderate support such as tax credit and...

Dehghani pointed out: On the basis of this new system of evaluation and support, the ground has been provided for the connection of scientific circles, including universities and research and research centers, with start-up knowledge-based companies. Also, the chain of start-up knowledge-based companies is connected to innovative knowledge-based companies, and this chain evolves with the connection of innovative companies to technological companies until the connection with the leading and large companies of the country. The connection of these circles will lead to the evolution of the value chain and finally we will see a real connection between the university and the research sector of the country with the economy and society.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated that the new regulations for the evaluation of knowledge-based companies will significantly facilitate the process of establishment and management of companies by university faculty members. Of course, due to the difference in the environment of the universities, the expectations are not the same.

He pointed to the beginning of the program for the provincial division of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, during which the performance of the governors will be reported to the Supreme Leader and the President, and stated: Similar to this plan, there is a division of the duties of the vice presidency around brand universities, and by the way, the credits given to some brand universities are more than some provinces.

Dehghani emphasized that along with handing over a portion of the duties of the vice presidency to the provinces and universities, the powers of the vice presidency will also be distributed, stating: It is predicted that we will have 12 thousand billion tomans in tax credit this year. Of course, unlike direct grants, tax credits are mostly spent in areas close to the market, and in other words, tax credit is a grant that is more myopic and focused on the market.

He pointed out: In addition to grants and tax credits, we are also looking for other financial sources, most of which have passed legal procedures and I hope they will soon be added to the portfolio of science and technology credits.

Dehghani stated that the memorandum of understanding signed with the universities is for two years, and said: Based on this, we will probably coordinate with each other in six-month increments and review the process of allocation as well as the implementation of the memorandum. As I am strongly committed to fulfilling the obligations of the vice presidency in the agreements, I am also sensitive to the implementation of the corresponding obligation by the universities.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy pointed out that regardless of the financial authority of the vice presidency, the special position of the vice presidency of science should also be paid attention to. Naturally, when the vice presidency of science comes to work on a subject, universities and other departments also come to work with more confidence, and my request to the universities is to make the most of this credit.

In the end, Dehghani stated that Iran's universities of science and technology, Shahid Beheshti, Allameh Tabatabai and Isfahan University of Science and Technology, and the science and technology park of Sharif University of Technology, as pioneers of this path, have a more difficult task ahead of them. He expressed hope that thanks to the love and sincere devotion of the people of Iran to Imam Hussein (AS) and the fervent mourning of Muharram days, the signing of these memorandums is a good and blessed beginning for closer cooperation between the vice presidency and the universities in order to play a more successful role in the path. be their missions.

Before Dehghani's speech, Abdullah Mohamedi, president of Allameh Tabatabai University, in a speech appreciating the actions and support of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, said: The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasizes the two elements of faith and hope in his statements. The signing of these memorandums is one of the actions that strengthen the spirit of hope in academic staff members and students, because one of the great elements of despair is the concern about the employment situation and future career, which is answered well.

He pointed out: Currently, if our colleagues and students have an idea that can generate wealth, we support it, and fortunately, entrepreneurship and innovation centers have been set up in most colleges.

Mehdi Elisai, Deputy for Policy and Development in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that Allameh Tabatabai University is the leader of the country's humanities, said: "There has been a good interaction between the Vice Presidency and Allameh University, and this memorandum is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of humanities in society, introducing technology into humanities, and completing the ecosystem of innovation at Allameh University."

Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, President of Shahid Beheshti University, referring to his experience as Vice Presidency of Science and Technology at the beginning of 2011, said: I am happy that the Vice Presidency of Science is on the logical track of its activity and its performance is in a way that gives hope and peace to the scientific community.

He pointed out: Shahid Beheshti University, as a comprehensive university, has signed contracts with the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade and the Petrochemical Complex of Makran region to act as their representative in the field of application of science in industry and communication with universities.

Behnam Talebi, the head of the science and technology park of Sharif University of Technology, also appreciated the activities of the Vice Presidency of for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and stated: The Vice Presidency of Science has gradually found its place as a guide and has become such that the scientific community takes hope from the Vice Presidency.

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