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  • Sep 29 2021 - 00:03
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International patent on ascending orbit; New solutions solve technical problems

With more than 90% support for patents in reputable foreign offices, the Patent Center has taken an effective step in the development of the patent ecosystem in the country.

The center examines the patent applications in two initial and substantive stages. Self-disclosure of the inventor, observance of the right of precedence, the obligation to present only one invention in each submitted application and the registrability of the subject of the invention are some of the cases that are examined in the initial stage. After that, in the content stage, items such as innovation, the ability to implement the invention are evaluated. Of course, the possibility of generating income is also one of the criteria that the center examines.

But what issues are patented? First, the subjects that can be registered according to the patent law. Also, these issues should not be limited to the geography of Iran or a specific geographical region. Of course, therapies, psychological theories and therapies in this area, arts, scientific formulas and industrial designs are not supported. In general, new complex data transfer protocols, such as system architecture and coding, are not included.

Many inventors, when submitting their application to the Patent Center of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, are faced with the question that the approval of a patent in the country means the approval of the center. The Center evaluates the patentability of an invention using the standard methods of reputable foreign patent offices. Therefore, approval of a patent at home does not mean its approval in foreign offices. Because the method of evaluation and the conditions for obtaining a patent are different.

Therefore, having a certified declaration or patent in Iran is not a condition for reviewing the application in the Patent Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

Inventions are a new solution to a technical problem. So increasing their number is an effective step to solve problems and meet the needs with technological solutions. The actions and support of the association have also led to the expansion of foreign patents. Because in this supportive way, the complexities of patenting for the inventor have faded.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 78379

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