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Influence of technology and innovation in the field of education; A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Vice President for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education to accelerate measures for technology penetration and innovation in education.

In the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, and Yousef Nouri, Minister of Education, a Memorandum of Understanding were signed for "Optimal use of scientific, research, and technological capacities of the two sides to strengthen the penetration of technology and innovation in education", "Promoting culture Production of knowledge-based and encouragement of student activists to expand the business environment "," Creating creative houses and innovation "and" Utilizing the capabilities of education in creating knowledge-based and creative companies ".

This memorandum was signed in line with the slogan of the year and the implementation of the country's strategic document on elite affairs, the statute of the National Organization for Talent Development and the general system of training top talents in education to effectively interact with schools, vocational schools and student research institutes. And increase cultural and educational centers with science and technology parks, growth centers, and creative and innovative homes. Attracting the support of these centers in the fields of science, research and technology and the optimal use of the capacity of knowledge-based companies and the development and consensus and joint educational and research cooperation is another goal of signing this joint memorandum.


Supporting the promotion of a culture of science and technology development and a knowledge-based economy

Other provisions of this memorandum include "Development and expansion of creative homes and innovation for students, health, tourism and creative cultural industries", "Support for the promotion of a culture of science and technology development and knowledge-based economy, and cooperation in identification and evaluation Top technological and innovative projects of teachers and students "," Helping to transform the ancillary spaces of education (Dar al-Quran, conservatory, research center, laboratory center, etc.) into growth centers and creative and innovation houses "," Cooperation in "Using the capacity of education spaces to produce knowledge-based cooperation with science and technology parks and knowledge-based companies," "facilitating the possibility of teachers and students visiting innovation centers and science and technology parks".

To implement this memorandum, a "Joint Cooperation Working Group" consisting of representatives of the Vice President for Science and Technology, the National Elite Foundation and the Ministry of Education will be formed; The issues of cooperation between the parties in the meetings are followed by the joint working group for cooperation, planning and after the approval of the parties. The parties are required to nominate four persons as members of the Joint Cooperation Working Group in writing within two weeks after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding.

To review and monitor the progress of the plans and activities carried out and to coordinate and follow up on the agreed cases, the "Secretary of the Joint Cooperation Working Group (one of the representatives of the Ministry)" who is responsible for holding the working group meetings is required to submit a report every three months. Provide times to senior officials of the Vice Presidency and the Ministry.



The joint plenipotentiaries of this memorandum are "Rezvan Hakimzadeh, Deputy Minister of Primary Education", "Elham Yavari, Head of the National Talent Development Organization", "Mohammad Kazemi, Deputy Minister of Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education", "Mehrullah Rakhshani Mehr, Deputy Minister and Head of the Renovation Organization" "Development and equipping of the country's schools", "Parviz Karami, Secretary of Soft Technologies and Development of Creative Industries", "Hamid Zolfaghari, Director of Technology Development Center of the Deputy of Science and Technology" and "Mohammad Sadegh Movahed, Deputy of Futurists of the National Elite Foundation".

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology


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