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High agricultural capacity and food security for people and knowledge-based economy

With the presence of the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, and in the framework of the national program to create, develop and improve the performance of greenhouse and fishery productive settlements, the signing ceremony of the agreements was held for the development of greenhouses and the development of smart cultivation.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the ceremony of signing cooperation agreements with the aim of promoting and developing smart greenhouses and greenhouse and fishery production towns, said: When we talk about knowledge-based economy, it is actually an economy based on people and we speak for the people. The wise leader of the revolution, emphasizes on the popularization of the economy, and the nature and mission of the knowledge-based economy is also defined in such a way that it is based on technology and makes society play a role in the economy.

Dehghani considered the economy to be the most important and priority issue of the country today and added: The key and strategic principle in the transformation of the country is to involve the people in the transformation of the economy. The leadership has said many times, including in their recent speeches at the beginning of the year, about using people's capabilities and popularizing the economy, and they have considered knowledge-based companies as a clear example of the people's economy.

Knowledge-based economy with people's support

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that agriculture and food is one of the prominent areas for science-based economy with the support and investment of the people, continued: From the day he is born, human beings have an unbreakable bond with the earth, plants and trees. establishes and takes steps to provide food as one of the main natural needs. Accordingly, the food industry, which provides the most important and basic human needs, will never stop moving.

The head of the National Elites Foundation reminded the importance of penetration of new technologies and innovation in the field of agriculture and food security by using educated and creative human resources and said: The importance of this field is so high that in recent years, the biggest rich and investors have recognized it and have invested huge amounts in the field of food agriculture and production of food products. There is a very high capacity in our country, but it is necessary to bring in people and private sector investors, brainware, technological equipment and finally knowledge-based economy in this high-capacity field.

Dehghani continued: If 6,000 stray cash flows from fake markets and subversive women are to be directed towards production and employment and creation of added value, the people should be informed about areas with potential for investment and development such as agriculture, food security and others. Provide and educate. Certainly, if the people are educated and informed about the correct way of greenhouse farming, smart cultivation and investment in this field as a profitable, promising industry and provider of future welfare, people will definitely be eager to allocate their funds in this field.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated: We believe that the knowledge-based economy finds its real place and effectiveness when people feel the impact of knowledge and technology in their lives. From the stages of study to planting and harvesting and processing, we should widely increase the role of people in technological agriculture in order to witness its fruits in the economy, employment and the future of the society.

Referring to the serious determination by the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy for the technological and innovative development of agriculture, food security and market development of these fields, Dehghani added: the importance of this field is so high that the development of technology, the reduction of dependence and the prosperity of the market of this field We follow under a separate and specialized headquarters with the title of Headquarters for the Development of Knowledge-Based Economy of Food and Agriculture. While supporting innovation and exploitable technologies in this field, this headquarters tries to bring innovative and smart development to this field by using innovative technology and methods such as crowdfunding.

Dehghani said: We welcome all the capacities for the development of smart agriculture, so that while meeting the needs of the people, the ground for popularization of the economy is provided in addition to providing one of the most vital needs of the people, which is healthy food.

Supporting the development of greenhouse settlements

In another part of this ceremony, Nadergholi Ebrahimi, director of the National Program for the Development of Greenhouse and Fishery Towns in the Vice Presidency of Science, pointed out the high importance of food security and attention to cultivation in controlled environments and said: significant climate changes in the future such as drought on the one hand and the increasing need Society to Food has made the importance of production in controlled environments one of the main strategies in all countries. Iran has also taken steps in this field and has put strategic plans on the agenda, and in line with this approach, we are following the creation and development of smart greenhouses and greenhouse producing towns in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.

Ebrahimi added: Considering the unfavorable climatic conditions in the future, we have no choice but to move towards cultivation in controlled environments and move from cultivation in traditional lands to smart cultivation with minimum consumption of water energy and in the smallest area with maximum productivity.

He stated that in the 7th development plan, the construction and upgrading of 150 thousand hectares of greenhouses in the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad program has been foreseen, he continued: the realization of this long perspective requires a serious determination from all sectors and the cooperation of the people, officials and roles It is a serious creation of knowledge-based companies.

The director of the National Program for the Development of Greenhouse and Fishery Towns in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy emphasized: By using smart agricultural productivity indicators including food security, productivity and technology, we can witness the development of cultivation, reduce energy consumption, reduce the use of pesticides and optimize the consumption of resources.

Referring to the country's potential in developing controlled cultivation environments, Ebrahimi added: the total controlled cultivation environment in the country does not exceed 20,000 hectares. Most of our controlled cultivation environment is in Tehran province, while we have very good and wide capacities for cultivation in the south of the country and other regions.

Signing cooperation agreements for the development of smart cultivation

On the sidelines of this ceremony, and in line with the development of smart agriculture, in the form of a program of cooperation agreements with the approach of increasing the areas under greenhouse cultivation, the use of smart technologies and modern agriculture were concluded.

Hydroponic greenhouse, creation of a greenhouse using advanced technologies, creation of an innovation center in the field of smart agriculture, construction of a 60-hectare greenhouse in the south of Tehran, production of seeds, seedlings and seedlings of greenhouse products of tropical fruits, regional development of greenhouses in Jiroft up to 100 hectares With collective financing, the use of modern technologies and the development of vegetable and summer crops, the production of all kinds of seeds needed for vegetables and summer crops in Isfahan, 112 hectares of smart greenhouse construction, are part of the axes of these agreements.

On the sidelines of this ceremony, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy visited the knowledge-based and technological companies located in Green Iran International Exhibition.

This exhibition is organized with the aim of introducing new achievements and technologies in the greenhouse industry, horticulture, machinery, flowers and plants and related industries.

In this event, 55 knowledge-based and technological companies were presented in the field of intelligent cultivation of greenhouses, horticulture visits, seeds, pesticides and fertilizers presented their latest capabilities and achievements.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90828

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