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Dehghani visiting Elecomp:

Development of national infrastructure in 6 transformative technologies

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy visited the Iranian and foreign technology companies present at the 26th Elecomp exhibition.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, visited the foreign companies present at the 26th Elecomp exhibition in hall A 37 of the international exhibition and had a conversation with the technological activists of these companies. In this visit, companies from 10 countries were present, while introducing the achievements and technological capabilities of these companies, the field was provided for technology exchange and interaction with the corresponding companies.

On the sidelines of this visit, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considered the role of knowledge-based and technology companies in international technology interactions as key and said: Elecomp exhibition, which is held more enthusiastically than in previous years, provides a good platform for cooperation between knowledge-based companies and It has provided active technology in the field of information and communication technologies, digital economy, intelligence and connectivity and other fields.

He mentioned the number of knowledge-based companies present at the Elecomp exhibition as 500 companies and reminded: in this period of the exhibition; Foreign companies are present, and the reason for this is the formation of communication and interaction between Iranian companies and foreign parties.

Dehghani considered the world of digital economy as a world without borders and added: In this way, extensive connections can be made with the whole world in the hope that justice, growth and human excellence will occur with the help of these companies all over the world.

Referring to the establishment of a dedicated headquarters in the field of artificial intelligence, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy reminded the future-making capacities of this technology and added: One of the serious issues of concern to the Islamic Republic of Iran is progress in the field of artificial intelligence. Therefore, there are many researchers in this field in the country, and the artificial intelligence technology development headquarters in the vice president's office for science, technology and knowledge-based economy works in this direction.

The head of the National Elites Foundation named the launch of the technology development infrastructure in the field of artificial intelligence in the coming months as one of the other plans of the country for the development of this technology and added: These centers are equipped with suitable facilities for researchers to develop technologies, including artificial intelligence.

He emphasized: "Definitely, the movement and development of artificial intelligence in terms of science and technology is one of the serious plans in the Vice Presidency of Science."

Development of artificial intelligence hub

The Vice President of Science considered Technology Hubs of this vice presidency in various fields of technology, including artificial intelligence, and stated: Hubs are also related to the fields of cognitive sciences, materials, microelectronics, etc.

He emphasized: We are confident that the best method of development is to create national content in which all players of the innovation ecosystem are defined. Therefore, all our plans are in the national dimension.

Dehghani Firouzabadi considered these hubs to be more than national laboratories, where by creating infrastructure and working space, conditions are provided for research by researchers in the fields of strategic technologies.

Interaction with neighboring countries

Regarding the interaction with China, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: China is a friend and partner of Iran, and a strong cooperation agreement has been concluded with this country.

Dehghani continued: Therefore, China is one of the important countries for cooperation, and several companies from this country are also present at the Elecomp exhibition.

Referring to the recent events in the development of relations with the Arab world, Dehghani said: These measures are valuable for us, because we believe that there are great commonalities between us and the Arab world, and those commonalities are religious and cultural.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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