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Dehghani emphasized in a meeting with the Minister of Labor

Cooperation between the Vice Presidency of Science and the Ministry of Labor to facilitate the insurance processes of knowledge-based companies

In the meeting by the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and the minister of labor, welfare and social cooperation, the field was discussed for facilitating the employment and insurance processes of knowledge-based companies.

According to the report of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the role of knowledge-based companies in solving the country's strategic issues, said: The help of technicians and specialists is not a problem that scientists and specialists are not able to solve. Knowledge-based companies have reached a very good position that they can play a role in solving the most strategic issues and needs of the country.

Dehghani continued by stating that the promotion, strengthening and development for the ecosystem of knowledge-based companies is a priority and strategic issue of the country: the very good support of the Supreme Leader has contributed a lot to the growth and prosperity of these companies. He always emphasizes on supporting knowledge-based companies and with his serious support, the development of knowledge-based culture and the law of knowledge-based production leap, these companies have now achieved a good share and position in the country's economy.

He stated that knowledge-based services are generally considered to be in the field of information technology, communication and platforms, while the main services provided by these companies are to large businesses, and continued: the services provided by these companies to large and advanced industries, defense and heavy industries are more than small industries. Knowledge-based companies mainly provide their services to larger companies and work as b2b. For example, at one point, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries faced serious problems in supplying the catalysts they needed, but now more than 98% of the country's catalysts are produced by the knowledge-based companies of our country, and the remaining two percent are not produced due to lack of economy. But there is the technological ability to produce it in the country.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the creation of employment for the educated class of the country as one of the hallmarks of knowledge-based companies and added: knowledge-based companies mainly create jobs for educated people and the latent capacity that exists in universities to create jobs and create added value. The knowledge-based company gives educated human resources the necessary motivation for entrepreneurship, turning knowledge into business, and solving the country's problems; The knowledge-based company actually forms a family for students and professionals; A long-lasting family.

Referring to the prominent role of knowledge-based companies in the government's diplomacy, Dehghani said: The honorable president uses the capacity of knowledge-based companies as one of the powerful tools of international dialogue and interaction.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, stating that in the new evaluation system of knowledge-based companies, in addition to the level of technology, the level of employment and the impact of the company in the economy is also evaluated, and continued: In the new evaluation system of knowledge-based companies, in addition to being higher the level of technology from the average technology of the country, the amount of specialized employment and the created value are also considered, which is a bit stricter but realistic.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy continued: Our approach in the 13th government is to create an ecosystem and a space where university capacities and professor-oriented cores are encouraged to create new companies.

He added: Grants and research grants have been considered for research, and support is provided according to the needs, nature and size of each category of companies.

Dehghani stated: Out of 9,000 knowledge-based companies, almost 6,000 companies have 100 billion Tomans in taxes. The support of tax exemptions can help the work of a large number of companies. In this regard, we provide support tailored to each company and its needs. We try to help a start-up company in the form of greenhouse support for 4 to 5 years.

The Ministry of Labor can be of great help in the field of these supports, which insurance supports are valuable and will be a special help to start-up knowledge-based companies.

Reza Asadi Fard, Deputy for the Development of Knowledge-Based Companies, referring to the effective role of early support for new knowledge-based companies, said: "If companies reach 5 years, they have a more guaranteed durability, and these first 5 years and the support that takes place play a decisive role in their durability and growth."

He added: In today's highly competitive environment, human resources have gained immeasurable importance and value, and countries have made serious efforts to attract and support human resources.

Asadi Fard further pointed to suggestions to solve the challenges of knowledge-based companies in the field of the Ministry of Labor and added: setting up a virtual insurance branch for knowledge-based companies, removing the inspection for office companies for start-up knowledge-based companies, speeding up the investigation of the amount of penalties, pardoning the penalties of knowledge-based companies and increasing the deadline for debt payment and protest are measures that can help accelerate the development and growth of knowledge-based companies.

In this meeting, while the existing challenges and obstacles were raised, grounds and preparations were provided for wider cooperation between the Vice Presidency of Science and the Ministry of Labor to accelerate and facilitate the work process of knowledge-based companies.

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