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The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Unveiled Two Achievements/Sattari: correct immigration statistics must be provided by credible internal sources

The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Unveiled Two Achievements/Sattari: correct immigration statistics must be provided by credible internal sources


During a ceremony at the Statistics Center of Iran to unveil two statistical achievements, Sattari stated: immigration-related statistics from external sources and organizations are sometimes far from reality and must be accurately and transparently obtained from internal sources.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari emphasized the importance of using innovation in the development of data and accurate statistical analyses, expressing: unfortunately, there is a lack of statistical information in different areas. Innovations in the process of inventing and using new tools can eliminate some of the statistical gaps that exist.

Statistical Capacities of the Innovation Ecosystem

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter pointed out the existing statistical capacities in the knowledge-based ecosystem of the country, affirming: there are some technological startups, the information bank of which is much more complete, compared to some government statistical data. For example, 1.5 million trips per day are recorded in the systems of online taxis in unique detail, and government agencies may not have similar data of this quality.

Scientific and Technological Cooperation

 In addition to confirming the continued cooperation between the Vice-Presidency and the statistics center of Iran, Sattari affirmed: current projects of statistical collaboration between the two centers are a start and there are significant areas for collaboration. For example, migration-related statistics, especially those of elites and students, should be provided by internally accredited centers.

Recognized National Statistics

The president of the national elites foundation emphasized the recognized national statistics, adding: the statistics of the migration of the Iranian elite, which is sometimes reported by foreign sources and organizations, is significantly different from the reality. However, due to the lack of complete internal statistics, these statistics will inevitably be referred to.


Reasonable Statistical Projects

Sattari talked about the use of graduated human resources as a valuable asset in the country, mentioning: there are more than 4.5 million students in the country, and the percentage of students studying abroad is much lower than in Arab and neighboring countries. There are developing countries where more than 20-30 percent of their students study abroad.


The president of the national elites foundation pointed out the specific statistical biases from external sources, asserting: it is necessary to make such a serious internal work in order to produce accurate and justified statistics so that we can have a more accurate and transparent picture.



Explaining the global innovation index (GII), Sattari stated: Iran"s rank in this index has improved significantly, and given that the GII index is a key criterion in knowledge-based estimates, it is necessary to have multiple statistical data on the index accurately and daily.

According to the president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, with modern technologies and modern technology-based statistics in the field of statistics, it may not be necessary to visit people"s home in many statistical projects.

Support of the Vice-President for Science and Technology Affairs

Javad Hosseinzadeh, the head of the statistics center of Iran, expressed: in the second step of the revolution, the IRC seeks to make a milestone in its efforts to modernize the statistical system.

Pointing out the developments and innovations in the statistics field by knowledge-based companies and startups, he added: with the cooperation of the Vice-Presidency and support of Dr. Sattari, proper statistical projects have been carried out, especially in the field of research and development, and we hope that the support of projects be on the agenda in the future.

Unveiling Two Statistical Achievements

During the event, two statistical achievements entitled “updating R&D statistics” and “national accounts time series of 1962-2016” were unveiled. Sattari also visited the statistics center museum of Iran.


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  • News code : 49210


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