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The Specialized Export Acceleration Center Is Opened

The export acceleration center of Iran (Tehran Branch) was opened on the first day of the week of government in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs. The accelerator specifically provides services in the field of export.

Given the expanded activities of knowledge-based and technological companies and startups, which have always been aimed to provide export, products and services, the accelerator will be specifically provide services in the field of export. The center was opened with the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs. 

All-around Support of Export-based Startups
the vice president for science and technology affairs expressed in the opening ceremony of the center: given the pioneering and intention of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), the Vice-Presidency has supported the establishment of this center along with its other programs held to support the export of knowledge-based services and products. We hope that opening of the center will facilitate the general current of the export of technological products and services.

Sattari continued: all capacity of the export corridor will be provided to the export-based knowledge-based companies and startups and the Vice-Presidency is prepared to provide any support required on this path.

Presence of the Young Workforce

The president of the national elites foundation expressed: strengthening the export sector requires, above all, the entry and presence of young and fresh forces who use up-to-date and technological solutions to smooth the export route. Currently, many of the private, knowledge-based and technological companies provide thousands of services and products that have export capacities. The Vice-Presidency also provides various services in the export field, including holding international exhibitions, helping the issuance of necessary standards in export destinations and giving related facilities.

The president of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy explained about the current status of the innovation ecosystem in the country, asserting: the Corona crisis, despite the serious damage it caused, led to a serious boom in the field of companies operating in the ICT sector. This crisis broke the old barriers against these companies and they were able to offer their optimal products to the consumer society.

According to Sattari, there is currently proper capacity in the stock exchange market for knowledge-based companies, and the Vice-Presidency has aimed to facilitate their presence in the market.

Modern Export Solutions

In addition, Gholamhossein Shafei, the president of ICCIMA, appreciated the cooperation and support of the Vice-Presidency in this field, affirming: undoubtedly, traditional businesses cannot maintain their export markets based on traditional and old solutions, and the opening of this center is an auspicious start to provide a modern and up-to-date solution for exports in the new era.

Opening Five Centers by the End of the Year

In addition, Hossein Salah Varzi, the vice president of ICCIMA, mentioned one of the serious programs of the Chamber of Commerce to be the establishment of organizations.

Iran export acceleration center is established on the north side of ICCIMA. The center has also concluded a contract with Karafarini Bank to facilitate the expansion of knowledge-based companies. According to the agreement, these bilateral collaborations are based on an online system.

Iran export acceleration center has aimed to hold a specialized event for export to Afghanistan in the following months. Similar events will also be held in Africa and Belarus.

The center also houses various startups and teams, such as a platform to facilitate diagnostic and treatment services, a virtual exhibition of medical and pharmaceutical equipment, and a startup to conduct international face-to-face research.

The platform for international marketing in the field of chemical products, which validates foreign customers, is one of the units located in this center. Due to the problems that have arisen for banking LCs, this platform can be a suitable technological alternative for divorced LCs.

Foreign marketing startups using digital tools, Fanavar Company active in the field of export of new wound dressings and a startup active in the field of cryptocurrencies are among the other teams based in the Export Acceleration Center.

The accelerator also supports a startup team that provides an online microcurrency exchange system.

Also, a startup in this center specializes in attracting interns from other countries to attend Iranian institutions.

Attracting virtual delegations was another activity that a startup based in this center has chosen as its field of work. This technology team has succeeded in attracting business delegations from countries such as Austria and Switzerland.

During the event, the winners of the event of “export leap in the path of production leap” were awarded. The selected projects of this event were the plan to create a platform for technical engineering services, the online system of online micro-currency exchanges and the platform for exporting Iranian specialized educational content were selected projects of the event.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs




  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
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