The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs on the Opening Ceremony of Event of “Introducing the Technological Needs of Airplane Repair and Maintenance”:
Despite the sanctions, the airline industry is on its own feet
Despite the sanctions, the airline industry is on its own feet

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, pointed out the independence of aerial industry despite sanctions against this field, expressing: no progress will be made as long as we rely on the knowledge of design and maintenance.
According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, attended the opening ceremony for the event of “introducing the technological needs of airplane repair and maintenance” held at Iran national science fund in the presence of the board of directors of the fund.
During the ceremony, Sattari affirmed: our nation"s air industry owes much to the air force.
Technology Cannot Be Bought and Must be Learned
Sattari mentioned the outcomes of dependency, stating: when the war happened and the United States exited our country, we realized that we have no equipment in this field and we completely depend on others. No progress will be made as long as we rely on the knowledge of design and maintenance.
Sattari also pointed out the movement created in air forces on the first days.
Support of Adherence to Aerial Standards by the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs
The chairman of Iran national space and advanced transportation administration explained about the efforts made to observe aerial standards, claiming: it must be noted that there is accumulated knowledge in the field of airplane repair and maintenance that needs work. Observing standards is the most important priority of this field, which is effective in areas such as increased shelf life of spare pieces. We dedicate extensive efforts to move toward this issue and determine standard for active knowledge-based and active companies of the field.
The vice president for science and technology affairs considered the event of “introducing the technological needs of airplane repair and maintenance” as a new approach formed in Iran science fund that requires development. In the fund, we can recognize the vulnerable areas by holding such events and invite knowledge-based companies to showcase their abilities. In addition, Sattari considered the area of biotech and food as a strategic field in the country.
Iran National Science Fund Is Effectively Active in Prioritized Fields
Ali Vahdat, the head of the board of directors of Iran national science fund, accompanied Sattari on this event and pointed out that 450 activists in the aerial field and 10 government organizations working in this area are present in the event, declaring: the fund has decided to be effectively active in prioritized fields. The importance of the aerial industry and airplane repair and maintenance is a multidimensional field. In general, the aerial industry is a sanctioned industry and excessive efforts must be made to keep it alive.
After that, the vice president for science and technology affairs along with Ali Vahdat visited the exhibition of the event.
It is notable that the event was held by the support of the Vice-Presidency, where seven large airplane companies announced their needs in the field of airplane repair and maintenance.