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  • Oct 26 2022 - 14:01
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Dehghani Firouzabadi: The development of non-governmental research and technology funds is a priority

In the fifth meeting of the permanent working group for the steering council of knowledge-based technologies and productions, the acting vice president of science and technology stressed on the quantitative and qualitative development of research and technology funds.

At the beginning of this meeting, according to the approvals of the previous meetings, about the executive instructions of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law in the field of research and development tax credit (paragraph "b" of article 11 of the law), joint investment of banks and the Innovation and Prosperity Fund (paragraph "a" of article 18 of the Law), the prohibition of public sector competition with the private sector (Clause "P" of Article 10 of the Law) and the identification of examples of investment in the Law (Clause "T" of Article 11 and Clause "A" of Article 18 of the Law) necessary discussion and investigation were carried out and guidelines were presented and was approved by applying the opinions of the members in the working group.

The necessity of improving the quality of non-governmental research and technology funds

Dehghani Firouzabadi, Acting Vice President of Science and Technology, in the fifth meeting of the Permanent Working Group for the Steering Council of Knowledge-Based Technologies and Productions, referring to the development of non-governmental research and technology funds, stated: The issue of research and technology funds is not an issue that can be set limits.

He added: Accordingly, the development of the funds should not be stopped, it should be done by upgrading the supervisory and management position of the permanent working group and the specialized secretariat of the fund located in the innovation fund. We have to focus on increasing their quality.

According to Dehghani Firouzabadi, it is necessary to eliminate the weaknesses of the existing funds as much as possible. In addition to strengthening these funds, the activity of ineffective and inactive funds should be stopped so that the country's capital is not wasted and the ground for the presence of new and active investors is provided.

He also stated: The basic point is that in all these measures; Laws and regulations should be the standard of action and no action should be taken against the laws and according to tastes and relationships.

In this meeting, it was also emphasized that due to the wide capacities created in the knowledge-based production leap law to play the role of research and technology funds, the proposed policies of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund should be used to develop both quantitative and qualitative research and technology funds as one of the most important players in the field. Also, funding in knowledge-based activities should be investigated. In this regard, it was decided to increase the capital of research and technology funds as well as create a mechanism for more effective monitoring and management of the funds in the agenda of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 88399

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