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  • May 31 2020 - 14:08
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We support the businesses of a shared economy

We support the businesses of a shared economy


One of the hidden angles of the economy in the world can be considered its commonality. A shared economy that plays an important role in shaping new businesses. "We support the formation and continuation of the activities of those who enter the field of shared economics”. Stating this issue, the secretary of the digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter emphasized the support provided in this area.

This type of economy persuades people to share their properties in the development of their business. Madi Mohammadi stated: the capacity of a shared economy has led to the creation of individual and home-based businesses, as well as income for individuals and an increase in the quality of life of people through the sharing of their assets. He continued: if we can activate shared businesses in the country, we will definitely revive a large part of the economy"s capacity. Shared businesses around the world are growing rapidly, and we must try not to fall behind.


Shared economy is an advanced version of loaning, meaning that all of the progress made in the business is based on contracts made between individuals. In this type of economic activity, personal ownership replaces the sharing of material assets and products.

The Secretary of the digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter stated: this economy has a wide range of applications and includes non-profit, profit, cooperative and exchange structures. A shared economy provides extensive access to products, services, and talent beyond personal ownership, sometimes called non-ownership. He also emphasized the necessity of developing this type of economy in the current situation of the country.

The Secretary of the digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter added: a set has been set up at the headquarters to design the laws needed in the field of digital economics, including the shared economy, and to grow this economy rapidly.

In a report, the World Economic Forum announced the launch of the world"s first shared economy in 2019, which means that the concept of this type of economy in the modern world is serious and relies on personal property. In Iran, too, there is room for the development of this economy if all its actors work together to facilitate this path.


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 51346


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