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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Mar 2 2020 - 13:03
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With a Proper Cost and at Large Scales;

Two knowledge-based projects concerning coronavirus detection will be introduced to the market

Two knowledge-based projects concerning coronavirus detection will be introduced to the market


“We will beat corona with the help of the innovation and technology ecosystem” is the title of a call made by the Vice-Presidency to take effective and synergized steps toward combatting coronavirus. In this regard, one of the measures taken has been the mass production of two knowledge-based diagnostic kits.

Since the first days of corona outbreak in the country, the biotechnology development headquarter announced a national call for producing Iranian diagnostic kits in cooperation with the ministry of health. Today, it was announced that two knowledge-based projects were selected as top ideas and will be produced in mass.

In this regard, Mostafa Ghanei, the secretary of the biotechnology development headquarter, stated: the secretariat received four knowledge-based projects for producing coronavirus detection kits, two of which were selected.

The mass production of these ideas will be soon started. However, the projects must be approved by the food and drug organization of the ministry of health before being introduced to the market. After that, companies will have one week to produce kits in mass.

It is decided that the diagnostic kits be introduced to the market and provided to hospitals at large scales and with proper costs as soon as possible.

It is worth reminding that the “we will beat corona with the help of the innovation and technology ecosystem” is the title of a call made to increase synergy among the players of the innovation and technology ecosystem in helping the people and society fight the coronavirus with the abilities of knowledge-based companies and startups. With this scientific, technological and innovative capacity available in the country, serious steps should be taken to combat this disease.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 49777


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