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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Oct 11 2023 - 10:07
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Dehghani emphasized in the meeting for the Board of Trustees of Pardis Technology Park

The necessity of using all the capacities and facilities for the development of the ecosystem of the Pardis innovation area

The meeting of the Board of Trustees of Pardis Technology Park and Pardis Health Technology Park was held with the presence of Dr. Dehghani, The Vice President of Science.

According to the report of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pardis Technology Park, emphasizing the use of all capacities for the development of the Pardis innovation ecosystem said: About 20 years ago, when this science and technology park was not established, some compassionate people decided to build this technology park on the ground, they did a great job and made a national honor for today. It is necessary to protect this achievement and use all capacities in the development of this ecosystem.

He continued: We should all help this national pride to develop and take steps towards its development, because the work done in this technology park is definitely very valuable and we should use all available capacities to develop this technological and innovative ecosystem. Capable and well-known groups that are also present in the park's board of trustees, with the support of the private sector, can play a role in the development of the establishment space and knowledge-based spaces. With small investments, the necessary space for the establishment of companies and technologists can be well provided.

Mehdi Saffari Nia, head of Pardis Technology Park, also discussed the most important current issues of Pardis Innovation Zone in this meeting and said: One of the important issues is the need for active action by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development to implement the President's order regarding the construction of an elite residential community. Last year, during his visit to the innovation area of the Pardis, the president issued orders regarding the quantitative and qualitative development of the elite residential town. With the continuous follow-up of Pardis Technology Park, the necessary preparations for the construction of an elite residential settlement have been identified on a land located in the Bomhen belt, and there is a memorandum of understanding that has not yet reached the contract stage, and the potential capacity of this settlement is 30,000 to 40,000 people. is residential; With the cooperation and assistance of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, this place will be developed with the investment and participation of companies and investors. A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the vice presidency of science and the housing ministry, which should reach the contract stage. Here, this residential town provides the possibility of establishing more knowledge-based companies in the park, because the problem and concern of many companies is the problem of accommodation, which will be solved by building an elite residential town near the innovation area of the Pardis.

Saffari Nia continued: the resources for the quantitative development of 200 hectares and the necessity of handing over the relevant lands, removing the opponents of the park development lands and the necessity of financing the resources and facilities to complete the infrastructure needed in the development phases of the Pardis Technology Park, the provision of water, electricity and gas infrastructure facilities from other cases require attention and follow-up.

In the continuation of this meeting, the detailed budget report of 2022, the progress report of the leveling and land preparation operations of the Pardis technology park phases and 337 hectares of land, the study and construction of the nanomology laboratory and the infrastructure of the Pardis technology park were presented.

It should be mentioned that the Pardis innovation area, in an infrastructure of 470 hectares and in two branches, has become a place for the establishment of capable knowledge-based companies in the field of export and development of innovations in the east of the capital. More than eight thousand human resources are located in the companies, accelerators and growth centers under Pardis Technology Park, and more than 25 thousand billion Tomans have been invested in this Pardis Technology Park.

More than 326000 square meters of business space have been created in the park by the private sector, and 1,200 billion Tomans of the company's income have been spent on research and development. The knowledge-based companies based in this innovation zone have earned 42 thousand billion Tomans in 2022 with more than 119 new products and the turnover of the companies has been more than 224 thousand billion Tomans. 3,270 hours of training and 500 specialized business services have been provided. Also, 1,150 job opportunities were created by park companies, and 44 technology assistants, 30 specialized duty systems, and 4,670 people used the opportunity to learn business skills across the country in the form of Sadaf project. More than 70 foreign delegations and 120 domestic delegations and 3,700 students have visited the Pardis Technology Park as part of the Pathways to Progress project.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94107

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