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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Jun 28 2020 - 13:49
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The Support of 107 Research Projects Has Been Approved

Iran national science foundation has approved the support of 107 research projects in the fields of medical sciences, math and physics, livestock and veterinary sciences and fisheries so that technological measures could be taken at a higher speed.

A balanced support of researchers of Iran has led the national science foundation to accelerate the pace of technological activities of researchers by some calls over a year. In this regard, the first call was published to support research projects across the country.

17 working groups are active in various fields of science and technology such as basic sciences, arts and architecture, Islamic studies and sciences, climate change and global warming, environmental pollutants, science and technology studies and agriculture and natural resources. Each working group publishes three calls, based on which researchers send their projects from across the country.

Accordingly, in one year, 653 projects were submitted by researchers in the working groups of medical sciences, mathematics and physics, animal sciences, veterinary sciences and fisheries, which were published as the first call group. From these projects, 107 have been approved for support. In addition, 546 projects are under assessment.

In addition to research projects (n=341), 199 doctoral dissertations and 113 post-doctoral projects have also been received.

Currently, the second call has been made by the working groups and researchers can send their projects until September 5th, 2020.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 68319

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