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  • Jan 12 2020 - 15:26
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The Domestic Market Will Flourish with “Iranian-made” Productions

The Domestic Market Will Flourish with “Iranian-made” Productions


The manager of strategic technologies laboratory network believes that the needs of the private and government sectors must be met with the help of academic and knowledge-based teams.

The issue of supplying domestic needs with the help of domestic production has been pointed out for many years. However, redirecting a seventy-two-nation market that responds to customer needs easily is a daunting task. This difficult task was accomplished by the formation of a technology and innovation ecosystem in the country. Of course, despite the problems and the lack of confidence in domestic products and services, this share is still far from its true position, but efforts have somewhat warmed the market. To achieve this difficult and seemingly unattainable goal, we have used the power of the country"s science and technology; a boundless capacity that can meet all the needs of the country.

In this regard, Asadifard stated: with my knowledge of the country"s science and technology, Iran will not reach a technical deadlock in any field. According to the manager of the strategic technologies laboratory network, our problems are not technical and they are more related to human resources and management.

If the government sector staff come to the field and provide their market for domestic producers, these domestic productions can meet the domestic needs of the country. However, despite all our efforts, we were still unable to fill the gap of our own market with our own products.

Asadifard marked: if efforts increase to compel government agencies to buy Iranian equipment further, we can hopefully boost the domestic market with the help of indigenous capacities. It is a rational belief that the ability of domestic producers is high and that academic teams and knowledge-based companies are well positioned to meet domestic needs. Nonetheless, institutionalizing it for the people and the authorities requires extra effort, especially for the country"s eco-tech, innovation and entrepreneurship trustees.

The manager of strategic technologies laboratory network marked: in the lab network, we have worked to meet most of the needs of the laboratory field with built-in power, and in this way we have assisted all players in the field.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation
  • News code : 48635


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