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Peyman Salehi among the Activists of Laboratory Materials and Equipment:

Sales rate of Iranian-made laboratory equipment and materials exhibition passed 480 billion tomans

Sales rate of Iranian-made laboratory equipment and materials exhibition passed 480 billion tomans


A meeting was held between companies attending the seventh round of Iranian-made laboratory equipment and materials exhibition in the presence of Peyman Salehi, deputy of technology innovation and commercialization development headquarter, Abdolreza Majdoldin, the general director of knowledge-industry-market coordination office, and some of the headquarters’ authorities.

During the meeting, Majdoldin asserted: registration for the event has been initiated since August 23rd, 2019. To date, about 400 companies have completed their registration process. In addition, the companies have registered 9200 products for attending the exhibition.

Majdoldin also marked: the products presented in the exhibition will receive subsidy support up to 10-50% based on their level of classification.

During the meeting, Salehi mentioned: Iranian-made laboratory equipment and materials exhibition was initiated based on a win-win approach so that the allocated resources are spent in a way that both government and private sectors could benefit from the event.

Due to its success, the method has been considered by other organizations, and this method of exhibition holding is being re-produced.

Paying 180 Billion Tomans of Subsidy

Salehi added: in previous rounds, about 480 billion Tomans of products were sold in the exhibition, a percentage of which was paid by the Vice-Presidency as subsidy (180 billion Tomans).

He affirmed: some knowledge-based companies have no mass production lines, which has caused problems in terms of obtaining product standards. Therefore, in cooperation with the standard organization, the Vice-Presidency has provided the opportunity to receive product certificate and standard licenses for knowledge-based companies in more than 19 provinces of the country.

Salehi pointed out different opportunities for attending the exhibition, declaring: the exhibition is held along with the exhibition of ministry of science and research. Given that the large part of customers of these companies are academic and scientific centers, it could lay the foundation for development and sharing customers.

Providing Services to Foreign Guests

Roohollah Estiri, the general director of international business development office, explained about the services provided by the export development corridor to facilitate the condition for presence of knowledge-based companies in foreign exhibitions, claiming: there are considerable capacities in neighboring countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Pakistan that can turn these countries into the export destiny of Iranian-made products.

He continued: the technology exchange and export development corridor is ready to invite and accept foreign guests introduced by knowledge-based companies. The participants can introduce up to five foreign guests to attend the exhibition.

Notably, the seventh Iranian-made laboratory equipment and materials exhibition will be held December 17th-20th, 2019 in Tehran International Exhibition. For more information about the exhibition, please refer to www.iranlabexpo.ir or contact the phone number of +9821-83533555.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 47534


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