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With the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs:

Providing 20 new services will help the promotion of science and technology.

Providing 20 new services will help the promotion of science and technology.


Development of discourse on knowledge-based economy has been repeatedly approved in upstream and national documents of the country. In this respect, the Vice-Presidency has formed the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter to follow up the accumulation of macro-energy in this country by providing 20 different services in different media formats.

Upstream Documents

In the comprehensive scientific map of the country, we read: attention to science and turning it into one of the main discourses of the society and creating a proper space for flourishing and producing science and technology based on Islamic teachings through developing, deepening and using cultural, social, and political components are among the promotional priorities in the field of culture building of knowledge-based economy.

In this regard, the Vice-Presidency has emphasized the comprehensive scientific map of the country and other upstream documents with an emphasis on the development and promotion of knowledge-based economy and creation of a real reflection of the nature of knowledge-based economy for the public as the goals of the establishment of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter.


The headquarter was established in 2015 and its prioritized tasks include helping to stabilize the science and technology discourse and correcting the scientific and economy culture of the society as an essential and binding infrastructure for the country"s success and formation of entrepreneurship and technology ecosystem in the field of knowledge-based economy and achieving the political goals of the system in passing from oil-based economy to knowledge-based economy. These goals are large and cross-sectoral and require the convergence of dozens of state institutions. While trying to do the operational work, the headquarter also has the task of coordinating between the different devices in this field.

Audience of Headquarter

Based on its duty, the headquarter covers a wide range of different audiences that are not limited to the public and involve the majority of society.

Governmental institutions, economic activists, science and technology elites such as professors and researchers, and science and research centers are among the audiences of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter.

20 Different Media Formats

knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter follows its missions in 20 different cultural and media formats to turn science, technology and knowledge-based economy discourse into the dominant discourse of society.


Support of entrepreneurial events and new businesses, support of culture-building with a student approach, creating cooperation in the student field in festival and exhibitions of the headquarter, and helping the holding of thematic entrepreneurship festivals in universities and provinces are among the work areas of the headquarter.

Content Publication

 In addition, holding national meetings with activists in the field of innovation and knowledge-based economy, promotional culture-building meetings with media owners, creating joint culture-building offices for knowledge-based economy and science and technology discourse in various universities of the country (e.g., Sharif, Tehran and Amir Kabir), support of content productions in the cyberspace and forming promotional websites, and producing and publishing related news and reports on websites are among other activities of the headquarter.

Cooperation in International Conferences

 Promotion of science, technology and knowledge-based economy in cooperation with two ministries of education and ministry of science, ministry of social affairs and IRIB, holding scientific and technological tours for media owners and social and political activists, activating public-based organizations and scientific and specialized associations in line with the culture of knowledge-based economy, and cooperation in holding international conferences with the approach of promotion of discourse on knowledge-based economy are other parts of the activities of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter.

Movie and Documentary Production

Production of educational films, documentaries, films and supporting national and international film and documentary festivals, promotion of science and technology discourse in virtual media and networks, culture-based programs and knowledge-based economy discourse on government trips, and sharing the views and statements of the Supreme Leader and approvals of the economy of resistance headquarter are other parts of cultural duties of the headquarter.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 48821


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