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  • Nov 25 2023 - 11:04
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Dehghani at the WIPO international event

Iran welcomes international cooperation in the field of establishing an institution and implementing joint innovation financing programs

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, during his speech at the event "Intellectual Property Financing Discourse, Expansion of Financing and Valuation Horizons" of the World Intellectual Property Organization, emphasized that Iran is eager to develop international cooperation in the field of establishing innovation and exchange financing institutions. Experiences and implementation are welcomed to joint programs in this field.

According to the communication and information center in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, in his speech at the beginning of the meeting, which was devoted to "the experience of promoting the financing system and intellectual property for the development of the knowledge-based economy in Iran", emphasized the importance of financing in the transition addressed the knowledge-based economy, especially in the context of developing countries - with a resource-based economy, and said: the dependence of these countries on the export of raw resources such as oil and gas has limited economic diversity in industrial sectors and is an obstacle in the transition to a knowledge-based economy. On the other hand, conventional financial institutions generally do not participate in the financing of technology development and innovation projects due to their low risk tolerance and long-term payback period.

He pointed out: In this situation, the intervention and support of the government is necessary to improve the financing system of the knowledge-based economy. By formulating support policies such as tax exemptions, subsidies and grants, as well as institution-building such as the creation of development banks and national innovation funds, governments are responsible for promoting the financing system of the knowledge-based economy.

Dehghani stated: With the national goal of transitioning to a knowledge-based economy in the 2000s, Iran passed several policies and laws, including the law to support knowledge-based companies, which led to the formation of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund with an initial capital of three billion dollars as the largest government financing fund. Technology and innovation led. In 2022, the Innovation and Prosperity Fund has provided knowledge-based companies with more than seven thousand financial facilities of various types with preferential conditions compared to banks. He added: During the past two decades, 73 private research and technology funds have been formed in Iran, which have provided more than six thousand financial facilities of various types to knowledge-based companies in 2022 alone. These funds have made technology financing more accessible and simpler with a wide and provincial distribution across the country.

Emphasizing that the full realization of the knowledge-based economy in Iran required the penetration of technology into the dominant industrial sectors through the provision of financing on a larger scale and the provision of financial incentives for research and development, the vice president of science noted that this led to approval and implementation. A new generation of policies, especially the Knowledge Production Leap Law of 2021, was introduced, which provides the benefit of research and development tax credits to large companies and plays an important role in facilitating the financing of technology development at the national level.

Dehghani continued to discuss the importance of the intellectual property system and said: efficient management system and intellectual property as a tool to promote the financing of the knowledge-based economy, provide a safe environment for the growth of innovative companies and the realization of the knowledge-based economy. In recent years, Iran has also paid attention to the continuous improvement of the executive guarantee of this system, while significantly strengthening the intellectual property registration system and increasing the number of requests for intellectual property registration.

The vice president of science stated: Iran is following the formation and strengthening of the financing system of the knowledge-based economy and the transition from the resource-based economy by implementing financial policies and tax incentives, and by creating and strengthening specialized financing institutions, including the Innovation and Prosperity Fund and the privatization of research and technology has paid attention to the specific financing mechanisms of the knowledge-based economy.

In the end, he emphasized that Iran enthusiastically welcomes the development of international cooperation in the field of establishing institutions for financing innovation and exchanging experiences and implementing joint programs in the field of financing the knowledge-based economy.

In the "IP FINANCE DIALOGUE EXPANDING HORIZONS ON IP FINANCE AND VALUATION WIPO" event, which was held on November 21 in person and virtually at the Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a group of managers in the WIPO Innovation Ecosystem gave a speech and the summaries of the selected articles on financing and valuation of intellectual assets were presented by the world's leading intellectual property professors. Organizing several specialized meetings and virtual lectures by a group of innovation managers from several countries of the world was one of the other programs of this event.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94718

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