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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Jun 9 2020 - 20:21
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Information of 14,000 Lab Equipment Will Be Available to Industries

A gap in the industries is lack of research and related labs; a part that plays an important role in increasing the quality and eliminating the problems of products and services. However, the access of industries and researchers to this equipment was facilitated by the release of 14,500 laboratory equipment. An effort that could lead to the prosperity of the country's industries.

 Information of more than 14,000 lab equipment is published in the online database of the laboratory network. The manager of the strategic technologies lab network stated: one of the efforts of the laboratory network in these few years is to facilitate access to laboratory services and products, which is supposed to increase the quality of products and services provided in the country.

Laboratory information and more than 14,000 laboratory equipment located in the country are posted on the network's website for researchers and industry users to use. This information is about introducing the capabilities of network member centers and the type of equipment available in the country.

In this regard, Asadifard stated: the network has been established with the aim of organizing laboratory activities in the country. A collection that has been able to provide a large and populous family to its audience by providing various services to its audience in the last few years, in order to provide wider laboratory services to the community.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 68051

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