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Energy Use Optimization Workshops Will Be Held

Energy Use Optimization Workshops Will Be Held


The Energy and Environment Enhancement Project in Building (EEEB) was created with the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs for policy reform and market transformation to increase energy efficiency in the building sector. Holding workshops is one of the tools of this project to cultivate this field.

Optimal use of energy ensures the continuity of life and sustainable development of society. The purpose of optimizing energy consumption is to select patterns and apply methods in energy consumption that are desirable from the national economic point of view and guarantee energy sustainability.

In this context, culture building and informing the public is one of the key notes in proper use of energy. The EEEB project will be held in cooperation with Sharif science and technology research center in the form of 15 workshops in cultural institutions of Tehran in line with education and culture building.

National Culture Building

Ali Vatani, the advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs and the national executive of EEEB pointed out the importance of education and culture building during the opening ceremony of the EEEB workshops, stating: Iran"s oil and gas reserves are the largest in the world and a trustee given by God to us. However, is it right to waste these reservoirs? Last week, we witnessed the largest gas use in the history of Iran due to cold weather, which led to the question of are we all using the energy correctly or are we wasting it? If we are proud of the ancestors of the ancestors, we must also leave a good and godly work for future generations of ancestors to be proud of us.

Energy Optimization Market

Nasim Shekari, the national manager of the EEEB project mentioned that the main goal of the project is forming a market for optimization of energy and environment and expanding it at the national levels. During the ceremony, he marked: the most important quantitative goals of the project are reducing the energy use index in buildings by 20-25% and in buildings under construction by 45-60%.

Five Headlines

 The headlines that will be presented in cultural institutions were explained in the final part of the program, including thermal energy and heating equipment and systems, electrical energy and equipment, using solar energy in buildings, and control and automation systems and advanced technologies in buildings.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 49344


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