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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • May 26 2020 - 16:37
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By Biotechnology Development Headquarter;

Economic exploitation of genetic reserves will be supported

Economic exploitation of genetic reserves will be supported


The biotechnology development headquarter has sought to maintain the genetic reserves in the country. Losing these valuable assets will lead to the forgetting of the Iranian identity.

Reserves of plant, human, animal and microorganisms that play a decisive role in preventing the extinction of generations. However, due to the efforts made, not only the waste and theft of these genetic resources will be prevented, but also the economic exploitation projects of the country"s genetic resources will be supported.

The biotechnology development headquarter has accepted this mission in order to maintain the genetic reserves as public assets for economic exploitation with the help of the innovation and technology ecosystem.

Supporting the projects of economic exploitation of genetic reserves in the country has been one of the goals of the genetic reserves working group of the biotechnology development headquarter in order to benefit from the economic advantages of genetic banks in the economic development of the country.

Given that creating food security, followed by economic, social and political development and security, requires the sustainable use of these basic resources, it is planned to use the capacity of active students in this field to help the country"s economy with these God-given resources. Capacities that can open a new chapter in economic prosperity.

"Defining an economic model and providing a value chain for economic protection and exploitation of endangered genetic resources and biodiversity development" and "providing incentive programs to guide areas active in biotechnology to invest in development programs and exploiting the country"s biodiversity" are among the measures taken in this project.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 51238

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