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In the meeting of elites and officials of Fars province:

Dehghani; Redefining the elite and reforming the structure to determine the elite is a necessity

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, stating that we have spread the characteristics of economy and public administration to all elements of society, said: One of these elements is the domain of elites, which has become the domain of consumers, and the government plays a decisive role in it.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, visited the knowledge-based capacities of this province during his one-day trip to Fars province and honored the students and winners of the Olympiads by attending a meeting with the elites and officials of the province.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, saying that I have had observations in your elite group that encouraged me to propose challenging topics, added: Whenever you have an objection to the proposed topics, be sure to express it.

Emphasizing that I was born in the 60s and I am not far from the student atmosphere, Dehghani added: I was born inside the country, all my education was spent inside the country, and I am one of those educated after the Islamic Revolution, and started business and company with 2 thousand personnel, I also taught at the university. I am talking about myself - and not about someone else.

Emphasizing that in the 70s and 80s, which is considered the period after the imposed war, the country's approach was the policy of selling oil and it had a favorable sales market, he said: In that period, the engine of the country's development revolved around spending money, all the projects you see today, you think that petrochemicals, schools, universities, research centers, automobile factories, expanded and the country developed due to the existence of these funds.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that one of these pillars was the field of elites, said: Our elite field has become a consumer field, in such a way that the government has a decisive role to give each elite how many articles. On the other hand, having a high-grade point average and obtaining excellent grades earn points; If it is above a certain level, it will become an elite and the government will be obliged to finance and pay salaries to this person.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated: Of course, this mechanism and approach was favorable in a period, and the construction projects were progressing in the same way. This is despite the fact that the process of privatizing everything, including the elites, was desirable for a period, but the reality is that it has caused the greatest damage to this group.

Explaining this injury, he pointed out that he has never been a member of the National Elites Foundation, and emphasized: I was ranked first in the entrance exam, I was an honors graduate in both stages, including the master's degree and doctorate, but I never became a member of this foundation. Because this approach about the elites caused a special image of them in such a way that whenever there was talk about attracting elites in the gathering of industrial activists, this idea came to their mind that an inefficient person is going to be introduced to them!

Explaining one of the causes for the approach, he stated: One of the causes of this damage is our support method, which was incorrect regarding the elites. From the eyes of others, elites are people who, by collecting a series of privileges, are creditors of the world and people. If these people are not paid attention to, it may cause discomfort and turbidity among them.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy emphasized this and said to the elites: "Dear friends, this is a misconception that has taken hold among many statesmen and institutions." The mistake was in the support approach. The government has been obliged to pay the elite a monthly amount or allocate a loan or grant them a residential house, regardless of their influence and what they do. This view will definitely fail because it leads to comparisons by people.

Emphasizing that we have made mistakes in the definition of the elite, he added: In the past few days, during the opening ceremony of the Ahmadi Roshan Project, I raised a question; The plan of my problem was this: we have two people, the first got grades from 14 to 16 with a total average of 15; On the other hand, we have another person with grades from 7 to 10, of course, he has 3 grades of 20 in specialized courses. Which of these two people do you think is the best talent? Therefore, the definition of the elite should be reconsidered.

Dehghani continued: "On the one hand, we have a person who claims to have talent in two areas and his scores add up to 20, and on the other hand, we have a person who says that he has no talent in painting, but his voice in singing can reach even famous singing teachers.". Now I ask again, which of these two people is the best talent? The answer is: Definitely, a person who has an outstanding talent is an elite.

Emphasizing that the sum of a number of privileges does not make a person elite, he said: This case is also one of the reasons why such a calamity has befallen us. The student says that, professor, if you add half a mark to my 18, my GPA will go up and then my project will be accepted in a certain place.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy of the President, pointing out that according to international standards in any society, 1% of the people of that society are considered to be the talent of that society, he said: Before our scientists with articles go abroad, the neighboring country offers a salary of 100 million tomans to our technical expert who is a professional welder. If he is not the elite, who is the elite? Composers who create new and original pieces are also elite. A professor of humanities who creates ideas is also an elite. A great painter is also an elite of the country, which does not only need doctors and engineers.

He continued: Another mistake in the definition of the elite is that only the academics were introduced as the elite. Whenever a person separates himself from his society, he will definitely be rejected by the society. Therefore, according to the global definition of elite, we have 50,000 talents in Fars province. We are supposed to give free housing and loans to this number because they are elite, so where should the rest of the country go?

Emphasizing that I am not against facilitation in any way, Dehghani said: In other words, I have to control and moderate the demand among the elites, and among the ruling elite, I am the most demanding person in the world for providing services, and the duty of the government is to do this, and we must help. and support

The head of the National Elites Foundation pointed out that a person who has a new and influential word and is not paid attention to in the country, said: "Everyone takes the value away." Some time ago, I said in relation to knowledge-based companies, 1000% of these companies are not willing to enter into the stock market and capital market, as long as it is true that they produce high and real values from knowledge. Because they believe that when they develop with their own profit, why should they be present in these markets, if their presence can create much more value. Therefore, as elites, be sure that if you have a new and influential word, you will be seen.

Dehghani continued: Business is formed from the hearts of those who work in a real complex for several years after leaving the university. They have touched the real space and seen the market. They find opportunities and go for new ideas according to market pressure.

He added: However, in our country, we encouraged everyone to pursue entrepreneurship and start a startup. The result is the statistics that we have so many entrepreneurs. While gaining experience, try to work on multiple sets. With the current approach of the National Elites Foundation and the Vice Presidency of Science, the supply-oriented flow has been sufficiently supported. But in the 2020s economy, only 20% should be supply-oriented and 80% market-oriented. Our effort is to create impact opportunities for our elites. A part of this opportunity is in government agencies. As long as the expert body of the government is not promoted to the professional elites, both the effectiveness and efficiency of the government will decrease.

In the end, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy noted: Our determination is to inject 5,000 members of the National Elites Foundation into the government body next year, another part of which is to create opportunities in the market and the other part is the creation of large and centralized spaces and infrastructures to attract a much larger number of elites, which will happen with trust in God and everyone's support. I have said many times that I, Dehghani Firouzabadi, before becoming the head of the National Elites Foundation, must represent the elite movement in the government so that the voices of the elites can be heard by the government. I will study and do my best to implement it.

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