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Dehghani Firouzabadi: Knowledge-based foundations are the best option for proper communication between industry and university

The commemoration of the anniversary of the establishment of the Deputy of Technology and Innovation in the Ministry of Science was opened with the presence of Dehghani Firouzabadi.

This ceremony was held in the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Mohammad Ali Zulfi Gol, Minister of Science, Research and Innovation, Sorena Sattari, a member of the Strategic Council of Foreign Relations, and Alireza Monadi Safiran, Chairman of the Education and Research Commission of the Islamic Council.

In this ceremony, Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi emphasized the need for the formation of third and fourth-generation universities and said: For the first generation of universities in the country, the task of scientific education and training of human resources to provide labor for industries and government institutions.

He added: The second generation of the country's universities, known as research-oriented universities, also worked hard to train human resources for many years, and in these universities, human resources acquired research and innovation capabilities in addition to university education. For many years, government agencies such as the Ministry of Health, Medical Education, Defense, Agricultural Jihad, etc. have benefited from this expert manpower.

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: Today, there is a need for the third generation of entrepreneurial universities to be formed to guide students towards becoming entrepreneurs and owning their businesses in addition to providing specialized training to students.

The ability of students to create their businesses

He pointed out that in previous generations of universities, human resources were trained to recruit and meet the needs of other industries and institutions, and said: In the new generation of universities, students should be empowered to create their businesses and after graduation Have their work and employment.

According to the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the fourth generation of the country's universities should seek to have a social impact in the country and its students and professors should instill a sense of the need for science, knowledge and technology in society.


He considered the realization of the generation in universities as a need to change and improve the curriculum and educational system, the internship system and the methods and indicators of the recruitment of academic staff and stated: moving in the direction is not an easy task, but with the efforts of the Ministry of Science, Research and we are witnessing the technology and cooperation of effective institutions in this field, the realization of the goal is possible and in the future, capable and entrepreneurial graduates will be injected into the society.

Analyzing the value chain of turning ideas into added value, the head of the National Elites Foundation said: The first area for the chain of thought is that we train thinkers in this field with proper education. In the field of thought, think tanks are responsible for producing a product called wisdom and thought.

He found it possible to provide education in the scientific field and added: In this field; Research is done and theory and articles are extracted. The main platform for teaching and doing scientific articles are the universities of the country.

Dehghani Firouzabadi called technology the next area of the chain and added: When science is matured, articles and theories will be produced. Technology is formed by combining these two fields. Education in the field of technology will lead to the training of technicians and industrial specialists. Technological research centers are the basis of technological research and knowledge-based companies are responsible for converting knowledge into technology.


Innovation educates the entrepreneurs' generation

He continued: "Innovation is the next link in this chain, from which the generation of entrepreneurs is trained." At the heart of this field, research turns into innovation and the product is the fruit. This chain is finally connected to the production arena. In this circle of research, it will lead to the improvement of productivity in production, and factories are also its implementation base.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy introduced the last link of knowledge-based as the supply and market and added: In this field, businessmen and industries play the main role that can produce new and innovative products with the help of ideas. If this framework is completed correctly and completely, we can hope for the correct transformation of the idea into a product.

Dehghani Firouzabadi considered the formation of Hekmat-Bonyan universities to be necessary and said: To achieve the goal, universities must be connected to industries, but connecting them directly and without intermediaries is better and will cause many problems and challenges because the language and gender of industry and university are very different from each other.

He continued: In the meantime, there is a need for an intermediary who is familiar with the language of both actors, and I think knowledge-based companies are the best option for this. As they know both the language of industry and the language of academics.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considered it necessary to use the capacities of knowledge-based production leap law in this direction and stated: We have been looking for years to establish a relationship between the university and the industry, but this cannot be achieved unless with the help of knowledge-based and technology companies.

The Vice President of Technology and Innovation in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, which was established with the aim of building capacity, facilitating and improving the structures of the technology and innovation ecosystem, centered on universities, research institutes and science and technology parks; It pursues the development, completion and strengthening of the ecosystem of technology and innovation and training and promotion of entrepreneurship, strengthening the culture of basic knowledge and internal networking and strengthening scientific diplomacy, technology and innovation in the country.

In this ceremony, the selected provincial parks, the advancement programs of the Vice Presidency of Technology and Innovation, and influential and experienced people in the field of technology and innovation were recognized and the prepared books were unveiled by the Vice Presidency.

Also, the ceremony was accompanied by the unveiling of the products for technology units and knowledge-based companies located in technology parks and growth centers.

Communication and Information Center in Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 89076

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