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  • Apr 11 2021 - 15:54
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Comprehensive Center for Stem Cells and Reconstructive Medicine in Iran University of Medical Sciences opened; Sattari: Iran has become a leader in the region with the activities of 150 knowledge-based companies in this field

The first phase of the Comprehensive Center for Stem Cells and Reconstructive Medicine in Iran University of Medical Sciences was put into operation in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology.

With the opening of this center in a space of 1500 square meters in Shahid Motahari Hospital in Tehran, the establishment of 5 knowledge-based companies with more than 15 products and technological services was provided. The purpose of launching it is education and research in the field of cell therapy, tissue engineering and innovations in reconstructive medicine.

The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in 9 universities of the country has set up comprehensive centers for stem cells and reconstructive medicine in order to improve the scientific treatment and development of technologies and innovations in this field, the field for the treatment of incurable diseases with the help of indigenous knowledge and expertise. Advanced provided.

 Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, said at the ceremony, referring to creating a basis for the development of technologies in the field of cell therapy with the help of knowledge-based companies: it was technology that fortunately achieved in the field of stem cells and reconstructive medicine.

Referring to the role of the Health Science and Technology Park and comprehensive stem cell and reconstructive medicine centers in the development of the knowledge-based economy, Sattari said: "Partnership with the private sector in research was a valuable step taken in recent years. Valuable measures were taken in the field of innovation.

Emphasizing that the culture of innovation from the heart of universities should be transformed by launching innovation centers and private sector accelerators, the Vice President added: "Successful examples of private sector accelerators are active in the country and by joining stem cell accelerators and Reconstructive medicine will see a change in this area.

 Referring to the role of more than 150 knowledge-based companies and hundreds of technology centers in the field of stem cells, Sattari said: "These businesses offer their knowledge-based products and innovative services to the market and take a step in the evolution of this path."

 With the support of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, comprehensive stem cell centers have already been set up in the cities of Tabriz, Shiraz, Yazd, Kerman, Mashhad and Kermanshah. Was launched, and as a result of this support, ecological technology and stem cell innovation and reconstructive medicine have spread throughout the country. Tarbiat Modarres University will also have a comprehensive center for stem cells and reconstructive medicine in the near future.

The Vice President for Science and Technology also visited the construction process of the clinical trial center and was briefed on the progress of the project.

In part of the ceremony, the first meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Health Science and Technology Park of Iran University of Medical Sciences was attended by the Vice President of Science and Technology, Anoushirvan Mohseni Bandapi, Governor of Tehran, Mohammad Mokhber, Chief Executive Officer of Farman Imam, Jalil Kuhpayehzadeh, Head of Iran University of Medical Sciences. Other members of the board of trustees of this science and technology park were held.

 It was also decided at the meeting that the Health Science and Technology Park in Mallard would be operational and host innovative and creative teams in all areas of stem cell technology, reconstructive medicine and biotechnology. The center will also make a difference in the field of cell technologies and ophthalmology by linking cell technologies and basic sciences.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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