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The memory of Commander for Nahaja and 11 of his comrades was honored; Sattari: Turning an innovative idea into action was the most important feature of Martyr Sattari

A ceremony was held to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the ascension of Martyr Mansour Sattari and his co-pilots.

 Plot 29 Golzar Shohada in Behesht Zahra hosted a group of families of martyrs, commanders and fighters of the Air Force. In this ceremony, which coincided with the first anniversary of the martyrdom of Haj Qasem Soleimani, the memory of the martyred head of the army, Mansour Sattari, the late commander of the Air Force in the Islamic Republic of Iran and 11 of his fellow martyrs was honored. The ceremony was attended by the Commander of the Army Air Force and the Vice President of Science and Technology.

 Amir Sartip Aziz Nasirzadeh, Commander for the Air Force of the Army in the Islamic Republic of Iran, said at the ceremony: "Martyr Major General Sattari, with his innovation and creative planning during the holy defense, paved the way for the victories of the fighters during the holy defense, especially in Operation Valfajr 8" Were.

"This is a unique feature of Martyr Sattari, and many of us may have thousands of ideas in our heads, but we cannot," said Sorena Sattari, the daughter of the commander of the Army Air Force. Implement them.

The Vice President for Science and Technology called Operation Valfajr 8 an example of this characteristic of Martyr Sattari.

Sattari described high knowledge and the ability to implement knowledge on the ground as an important feature of the late commander Nahaja and said: "This ability to implement innovation both in the field of war and then during construction by building aircraft parts, technological infrastructure and projects Development can be seen.

Sattari thanked the Air Force for keeping the memory of the Air Force martyrs alive and said: "It is a matter of gratitude that they and their dear comrades cherish the memory of Martyr Yassini and Ardestani and other highly placed martyrs."

Martyr General Mansour Sattari, along with the martyrs Yassini, Ardestani, Shojaei, Razzaqi, Jammanesh, Riahi Sharifi, Jamshidi, Sanaei, Mohtashami, Mohseni and Pourzadi, were martyred in a high-level air accident on January 6, 1994.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72234

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