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  • Apr 17 2023 - 10:26
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The director of the National Program for the Development of Greenhouse and Fishery Towns was appointed

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy by a decree appointed the "Director of the National Program for the Development of Greenhouse and Fishery Towns".

To promote the use of new technologies and the participation and entry of all stakeholders in the development of greenhouse and fishery settlements; Nadergholi Ebrahimi was appointed as the director of the National Program for the Development of Greenhouse and Fishery Towns by the decree of Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.

In Dehghani's ruling addressed to Ebrahimi, it is stated: Based on your competence and experience, I am appointing you as the manager of the National Program for the Development of Greenhouse and Fishery Towns. With regard to the high goals of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the need for planning and transformation in the promotion of the country's knowledge-based economy, special missions are expected from you in coordination with the Vice Presidency for the Development of Knowledge-Based Economy.

"Managing the development and improvement of the performance of greenhouse and fishery units and towns using new technologies and the participation of all stakeholders through the creation of consortia consisting of technology companies, operators and investors with priority to attract small capitals", "providing different models of greenhouses for different climates with the approach smartening, cheapening and increasing the efficiency of water and energy production", "development of knowledge-based units of aquaculture, especially in the field of shrimp, with priority for breeding units, weighing and farms for producing productive larvae" and "development of knowledge-based units of breeding in the sea with priority for the supply of fry and breeding fish , technological cages with a high reliability coefficient and smart status monitoring systems", "guiding and attracting investors and entrepreneurs, especially in the field of collective financing and extra-organizational facilitation with the aim of removing obstacles to the development of knowledge-based greenhouse and fishery units", "planning to remove technological bottlenecks" the value chain of greenhouse and fishery products and cheapening and facilitating the exploitation of related technologies with the aim of increasing the share of this field in the gross national product" and "planning for the development of the market of greenhouse and fishery products and increasing exports with the cooperation of the international science and technology interaction center" are among the missions.

I ask Almighty God for continued success in following the wise instructions of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the policies of the people's government.

In his 3 decades of scientific and managerial career, Nadergholi Ebrahimi held many responsibilities in the field of implementing and monitoring water-soil projects, setting up pilot research and training stations in the field of agriculture, aquifer management, salinization and desertification at the provincial and national levels in the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad and the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

He has been responsible for science and technology development in the plan to stabilize the dust centers of Khuzestan and the large irrigation, drainage and agriculture plan of 550 hectares as the supreme leader in Khuzestan.

Among his other executive responsibilities are the chairmanship of the Central Province Agricultural Jihad Organization, the deputy head of the Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization, the scientific and technological advisor of the Jihad Nasr Institute, the advisor of the scientific, technological and economic vice president of the knowledge-based economy in water affairs, and a member of the environmental working group. Biotechnology Development Headquarters, the executor of deep-water exploratory study projects, and the secretary of the Water, Drought, Erosion and Environment Technologies Development Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science.

Also, Ebrahimi is a member of the academic staff and associate professor of the 31st level of research in the field of water resources, river engineering and watershed management, and received his specialized doctorate in the field of hydraulic structures from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90685

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