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Parviz Karami: The construction of ecological and cultural industries began in the 13th government

The first meeting of the Toys and Entertainment Working Group of the National Document for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies was held in the presence of Parviz Karami, Secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, and a group of managers and heads of companies and creative and innovation houses and toymakers.

The meeting was attended by various members of the working group from sectors such as toy manufacturers, representatives of the Center for the Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents, some members of the Supervisory Board and the Association of Toy Activists, and several creative companies and creative houses and toys in the field of toys.

Formation of the Union of Toy Manufacturers and Suppliers

In this meeting, Parviz Karami, considering the transformation document of the 13th government in the field of creative and cultural industries, emphasized the necessity of forming a toy suppliers union and enumerated the actions of the Soft Technologies Headquarters and the development of creative industries in this field.

Take the increase in the share of Iranian products in the field of toys seriously

The Secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters also mentioned the prosperity of creative businesses in the country and the increase in the share of Iranian products made in this field from the market and added: And he paid attention to the creative industries and in the first step to develop this industry, he selected people from the toy class to help the soft technology headquarters in implementing the measures and efforts in this direction.

The head of the executive staff of the National Document for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies considered this document as paving the way for the development of the creative ecosystem in the country and said: "Approval and implementation of this document will help develop creative and cultural products.", It is a significant increase in market share of Iranian cultural and creative products.

Secretary of the Office of Soft Technologies and Development of Creative Industries, stated that in the approvals of provincial trips, Dr. Ra'isi, the President, on the subject of creative industries and employment of graduates of humanities, culture, and arts, this important issue in provincial trips with the help of governors and provincial officials We follow.


Parviz Karami added: "These measures were taken by creating and establishing creative and innovation houses in the provinces, and we are trying to develop these houses in the country." At present, according to recent travel approvals, creative and innovative houses will be established in 5 cities of the different provinces to which the President travels, based on local, geographical, and regional advantages.

Secretary of the Office of Soft Technologies and Development of Creative Industries, stating that the vice presidency of Science and Technology seeks to create infrastructure for the development of various areas of creative and cultural industries, including toys and games,

A special place for creative and cultural industries in the new law of knowledge-based production leap

Parviz Karami thanked the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly for supporting companies and creative industries in approving the law of knowledge-based production leap and said: The law of leap in knowledge-based production has emphasized the development of soft and creative industries. We hope that with the efforts of all members of the ecological and cultural industries and the strong government, we will be able to use the specialized capacities in this field for the prosperity of the creative economy and the creation of employment and wealth.

Emphasizing the need to form creative industries unions in various fields, he said: "The establishment of the General Directorate of Creative Industries in the Ministry of Silence is a positive step towards the development of this industry in the country." I also ask you, the members of the Toy Working Group, to focus on formulating the necessary rules and regulations in the Production Leap Law and submit your suggestions to us. Today, it has been proven to everyone that the creative industries have the potential to be the subject of a special law.

The Secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, emphasizing the implementation of the parliament's resolution in the field of creative companies, said: "We owe the epidemic of creative and cultural industries and companies and the institutionalization of the concept of the knowledge-based economy to the Supreme Leader." This year, too, by choosing the slogan "production, knowledge-based, and job-creating", he accelerated the efforts in this field and obliged everyone to pursue the provision of infrastructure and remove obstacles in this field.

In this meeting, the need to pay attention to collecting information and statistics in the toy industry, creating a creative house, designing toys and games, designing provincial boot camps, the need to pay attention to toy design, etc. was emphasized.


The need to create a creative home and innovate game design and toys

The meeting began with the emphasis of Mohammad Hossein Nakhchi, Secretary of the Toy Working Group on the synergy between the various pillars of the toy industry for its development.

As He said, operational measures in this working group, such as the formation of a toy suppliers union and participation in international exhibitions, are a national necessity for the development of this industry in the country.

Nakhchi added: "Creating a" creative house for game design and toys "can also help toy industry activists in this direction." Activists in this field should enjoy the benefits of a creative home.


Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology


  • News group : اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 84455

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