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Dehghani: Strategic networks are supported for manufacturing and supplying technological equipment and items / the second decade of support is the era for the development of "exports" of knowledge-based and technological products.

The 10th exhibition of Made in Iran laboratory equipment and materials and the 20th exhibition for the achievements of research, technology and market technology were opened with the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, and the minister of science, research and technology.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the opening ceremony of the 10th exhibition of Made in Iran laboratory equipment and materials and the 20th exhibition for the achievements of research, technology and market technology, spoke about the authority and technological maturity of our country and continued: the fact that more than 300 knowledge-based and technologist company are present in the exhibition by presenting more than 9 thousand laboratory equipment, it is a sign of maturity and capability of the country in the field of laboratory materials and equipment technologies; The sales of more than 1,300 billion tomans and the savings of 1.7 billion dollars that these companies have brought with their technological products also show a growing maturity in the technology and innovation structure of the country and promise honor and authority in this field.

Dehghani, stating that laboratory equipment and materials have a high position in the development of technological research and its production shows the capabilities of companies in the field, added: the manufacture of the equipment and materials has a high and strategic importance. The presence of participants from foreign countries in the exhibition shows the reference position of Iran in the technologies of the field.



Attention to the export of Made in Iran products

Emphasizing the need to pay attention to the report of international markets for Made in Iran laboratory equipment, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy added: In terms of the quality and number of laboratory and workshop equipment in the country, we are ahead of many countries, even European countries. For the prosperity of the industry, it is necessary to pay attention to two serious strategies in continuing the flow of support for knowledge-based companies. The Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy pays serious attention to the issue of regional and international markets of these products in the second decade of support.


Referring to the creation of infrastructure and platforms for the export of these products, he stated: The development of export markets for the country's laboratory equipment and materials is a strategic priority for the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy. In cooperation with Iran's Mehr Bank, one hundred billion Tomans will be allocated this year to support the presence of companies in export markets.

From reconstruction and revival to marketing

Dehghani said about the potential capacity of laboratory and medical equipment that needs to be renovated in the country and the need for knowledge-based and technologist companies to enter the field and added: We must enter the industry of refurbishing equipment because there is very valuable equipment in the country that sometimes they are out of service due to the lack of a piece. We support knowledge-based companies that are active in the field of repair, restoration, and renovation so that the potential capital becomes an active capacity.

Entering the field of machine building

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that the entry into the field of machine building and automation, as the leader and promoter of the industries, should be of interest to the technologists, said: In the second decade, the support and development of the machine building industry will be the priority of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy. These supports are followed in cooperation with other institutions and organizations, including the Ministry of Security, the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad and other departments, to witness a transformation in the field of machinery and industrial intelligence.

Referring to the key role of the strategic technologies laboratory network in the efficient and maximum use of the country's capacities, Dehghani said: the strategic technologies laboratory network is a platform for sharing equipment and capacities in this field and promotes culture. A culture that states that laboratory equipment and available facilities should be used in the best way.

Dehghani continued: Helping and developing the laboratory network of strategic technologies is considered a serious strategy in the development of the field of research and technology in the country, and all sectors should be sympathetic to this laboratory and cultural network that seeks to promote it, i.e. the necessity of maximum productivity to support the existing capacities.


Creating a strategic network for manufacturing and supplying strategic machinery and items

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, stating that we must have a national network of manufacturing machinery and strategic equipment needed by industries and companies, continued: the country has a wide capacity in the field of materials, casting and machinery manufacturing, which in the combination of these capacities can lead to the creation of a strategic platform in the manufacture and production of advanced equipment needed by industries, technology activists and finally society. In this regard, we need coherent networking, and for the formation of this important and strategic infrastructure, we provide all the capabilities, capacities and necessary support.

He said about the importance of a strategic and extensive network in the field of supply of strategic items and added: 8 thousand knowledge-based companies, thousands of technologist companies and small companies have to travel a long way to meet their needs. By creating a smart infrastructure in the field of supplying materials and equipment needed by the country, we can witness the increasing growth of these companies; In this regard, we support all capacities and capabilities to create a strategic and intelligent infrastructure in the field of supply.


Iran's scientific authority in regional and international dimensions

In another part of this ceremony, the Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Mohammad Zulfi Gol, said that the publication of more than 78 thousand scientific documents in Iran, the first scientific rank in the region and the growing scientific production, show the respectable position of our country in the scientific field. At the same time as showing itself in the scientific production of the country, with the activities of the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, the field of technology and innovation is also showing its capabilities, and we must try to protect the country's scientific position to a high position in the field of technology and innovation production.


Emphasizing that a measurement and motivation system should be established in the path of improving the knowledge, technology and innovation of the country, Zulfi Gol added: holding this event can be a part of this measurement and motivation system. Reviewing and changing the regulations for the promotion of professors, faculty members and researchers is another step in the establishment of the system. We try to respond to the technological and innovative needs of the country by revising the regulations related to measurement and motivation.

The Minister of Science, Research and Technology continued: The Deputy Minister of Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Science, in full coordination with the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, is the powerful arm of this Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Science, because this Deputy Minister is beyond a ministry and with interaction, we try to highlight the role of this key actor in the field of science, technology and knowledge-based economy of the country.

Emphasizing the necessity of benefiting from human capital and directing the scientific reserves of this rich resource of the country, Zulfi Gol said: Our country has valuable resources of human capital. Undoubtedly, our universities are considered the best place to train this valuable capital and the supreme leader of the revolution also pays special attention to this area. We must believe that the best type of investment is an investment in this field, and the worst type of raw sale is the raw sale of brains and ideas, and studies, support and platforms should be directed to educate these people and cultivate ideas of human capital.

He added: "Iran's growth, with more than 700 highly-cited scientists, are the top one percent in the world, and we have proper scientific authority, and international scientists have recognized the authority of our scientists. A capacity that should be properly utilized in the development of the country."

It should be mentioned that from December 10 to 13 of this year, at the same time as the 23rd exhibition of research, technology and technical achievements of the market in halls 5, 6, 7 and 27 of the Tehran International Exhibition, the exhibition of Made in Iran laboratory equipment and materials was held in the halls of Milad (31 ), Persian Gulf (44) and 40 with the wide participation of knowledge-based companies, technologists, academics, laboratory and research centers.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 89269

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